Oneirophobia: The Fear You Never Thought You Could Have


About 19 million Americans suffer from at least one phobia, including oneirophobia. If you’ve ever found yourself gripped by an unexplainable fear during sleep time, this may explain your experience.

Oneirophobia is an intense and irrational fear associated with a specific aspect of sleep or dreams. It encompasses a range of anxieties and apprehensions related to the experience of sleeping, dreaming, or the fear of the unknown occurring in these states. 

If you have oneirophobia, you can cope healthily with the right treatment and professional guidance. But nothing can replace developing your own awareness and understanding of the phobia, including its symptoms and potential treatments.  

Causes of Oneirophobia

The causes of oneirophobia can vary from person to person, but understanding the potential underlying factors can shed light on the issues behind this fear. While each case is unique, there are common causes that may contribute to the development of oneirophobia, such as the following:

Traumatic experience

Oneirophobia can arise from experiencing traumatic events in dreams or nightmares. Vivid, distressing dreams can have a lasting impact on an individual’s psyche, creating fear and anxiety associated with the dream state.

Sleep disorders

There are at least 80 types of sleep disorders, and some can cause oneirophobia, including the most common, insomnia. Other sleep disorders that can cause the phobia include sleep paralysis, sleep apnea, and night terrors. These conditions can lead to disruptive or frightening experiences during sleep, instilling a fear of falling asleep or causing disturbing dreams.

Anxiety and underlying mental health conditions

Oneirophobia can be caused by anxiety and other related mental health conditions. Heightened anxiety levels may amplify fear and apprehension surrounding dreams and the sleep process.

Previous trauma or distressing life events

Individuals who have experienced significant trauma or distressing life events, such as accidents, loss of loved ones, or severe illness, may associate sleep and dreams with negative emotions. This association can lead to the development of oneirophobia.

Cultural or religious beliefs

Certain cultural or religious beliefs about dreams and their meanings can contribute to developing oneirophobia. For example, some cultures may interpret dreams as premonitions or warnings, leading individuals to fear the potential implications of their dreams.

Learned behavior

Observing or hearing about others’ negative experiences related to dreams can influence the development of oneirophobia. If a person witnesses a close friend or family member struggling with distressing dreams or sleep-related issues, they may develop a similar fear.

Hyperawareness of dreams

Some individuals may develop an increased awareness and sensitivity to dreams, making them more susceptible to anxiety and fear associated with dream experiences. This hyperawareness can intensify the fear and make dismissing or ignoring dream-related distress challenging.

Symptoms of Oneirophobia

The fear of dreams is the most apparent indication of oneirophobia, but several other symptoms, such as the following, may also occur:  

Anxiety and distress

Individuals with oneirophobia often feel extreme anxiety and distress at the mere thought of dreaming. They may worry about the content of their dreams, such as nightmares or unpleasant scenarios, which can trigger a fear response.

Avoidance behavior

Oneirophobic individuals may go to great lengths to avoid sleep or engage in behaviors that prevent dreams. They may develop irregular sleep patterns, insomnia, or exhaust themselves to minimize dream occurrences.

Sleep disturbances

Fear of dreams can lead to sleep disturbances, such as trouble sleeping, waking up several times during the night, or recurring nightmares. The anticipation of experiencing frightening dreams can cause insomnia and fragmented sleep.


People with oneirophobia often exhibit hypervigilance in their sleep environment. They may check and secure doors and windows, use nightlights, or sleep with a sense of unease, always prepared for a potentially distressing dream.

Emotional distress

Fear of dreams can elicit intense emotions such as panic, terror, or dread. The fear can be so overwhelming that it affects the person’s emotional state during waking hours, leading to heightened anxiety and nervousness.

Physical symptoms

Oneirophobia may manifest in physical symptoms similar to those experienced during anxiety or panic attacks. A healthy heart typically beats 60 to 100 times a minute, but it could be higher in someone going through an oneirophobia episode. Increased heart rate is a physical symptom of the phobia, as well as shortness of breath, gastrointestinal distress, and trembling.  

Impaired functioning

The persistent fear of dreaming can significantly impact an individual’s overall functioning. They may avoid social situations, employment opportunities, or other activities that could potentially trigger anxiety related to their dreams.

Emotional exhaustion

Constantly living with the fear of dreams can lead to emotional exhaustion and fatigue. The individual may feel constantly on edge, mentally drained, and emotionally depleted due to their heightened fear response.

Negative thought patterns

Oneirophobia can result in negative thought patterns and catastrophic thinking. The person may worry excessively about the consequences of dreaming, reinforcing their fear and making it even more challenging to overcome.

Isolation and loneliness

The fear of dreams can lead to social isolation and feelings of loneliness. People with oneirophobia may withdraw from social activities, relationships, and support systems due to the distress associated with their fear.

Treating Oneirophobia

Treatment for oneirophobia, the fear of dreams, typically involves a combination of therapeutic approaches to reduce anxiety and modify negative thought patterns associated with dreaming. Here are some common treatments:

Meditation and other mindfulness practices

A study shows relaxation practices, such as meditation and deep breathing, can reduce anxiety with equal efficacy as escitalopram, a first-line drug for the condition. These techniques can be used before bedtime or during moments of distress related to dreaming.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

CBT is often used to treat specific phobias, including oneirophobia. This therapy focuses on identifying and challenging irrational thoughts and beliefs about dreams. The therapist helps the individual develop more realistic and adaptive thinking patterns, ultimately reducing fear and anxiety.

Exposure therapy

Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing individuals to their fear in a controlled and safe manner. In the case of oneirophobia, this may involve imagining or writing down dream scenarios and then gradually exposing oneself to those scenarios through visualization or discussion. This technique helps desensitize the person to their fears.

Sleep hygiene

Establishing a consistent sleep routine and good sleep hygiene can improve sleep and lessen anxiety around dreams. This includes maintaining a regular sleep routine, maintaining a comfortable sleep environment, and avoiding stimulants and significant physical activity before bedtime.


Sometimes, drugs may be prescribed to manage the symptoms of anxiety or sleep disturbances associated with oneirophobia. This may include anti-anxiety medications, sedatives, or antidepressants. However, medication is typically used with therapy rather than as a standalone treatment.

Support groups

Joining support groups or seeking peer support can benefit individuals with oneirophobia. Connecting with others with similar experiences can provide a sense of validation, understanding, and encouragement throughout the treatment process.


Over 47 percent of hypnotherapy studies showed positive results regarding its benefits for sleep disorders. Through hypnosis, a trained professional can explore the underlying causes and triggers of a person’s fear of dreams and reframe negative beliefs. This technique reduces anxiety related to dreaming and can help manage oneirophobia.

Oneirophobia, like other specific phobias, can vary in severity from person to person. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of oneirophobia, consult with a mental health professional to know the most appropriate treatment plan. They can provide a comprehensive assessment and tailor interventions based on your needs and circumstances. 


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