What Raw Meat Can Dogs Eat? The Ultimate Dog Feeding Guide (2023)


Raw meat can provide many positive health benefits for dogs, but it can also pose various health-related issues like Salmonella and E. coli. For these reasons, it can be quite daunting, and you will often find yourself asking, what raw meat can dogs eat?

This guide will explore a handful of raw meats that are safe and not so safe for dogs. As well as other minor pointers you should be aware of. Read on to find out more.

Raw Beef

Raw beef is generally considered safe for dogs to eat as long as it is sourced from a reputable source and handled carefully.

Many nutritional values come from raw beef, as it includes a fantastic source of protein, essential amino acids, and other important nutrients that help maintain a healthy life for your dog. The essential fatty acids will also help to improve your dog’s overall coat and skin quality.

The large bones in raw beef will help with many oral health benefits. The chewing will help break away plaque and tartar buildup and exercise the jaw muscles.

Beef also resorts back to a dog’s natural diet and, in turn, will benefit digestion and overall well-being.

Despite there being many health benefits, it is worth noting that it is still possible for raw beef to contain harmful bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella. Too much raw beef can also lead to pancreatitis, so feed at your discretion. 

Raw Chicken

Raw chicken is not safe for dogs as it poses too many risks for bacterial contamination, particularly with Salmonella and Campylobacter, which causes food poisoning in dogs and humans. 

Even if the chicken is sourced from a reputable supplier and looks entirely fresh, the bacteria can still be apparent and easily spread to other surfaces and food if not handled properly. 

Salmonella and Campylobacter also put dogs at risk of foodborne illness that causes symptoms of vomiting, diarrhoea, and fevers. In severe cases, it can even go as far as bad dehydration, blood poisoning and, in rare cases, death. 

To pile on the negatives, raw chicken can also contain parasites such as roundworms and tapeworms, which can infect dogs and lead to further issues. 

Although some dogs may naturally have a stronger immune system and be less prone to these bacteria and parasites, it is always better to be safe than sorry. 

Raw Fish

Raw fish can be safe for dogs, but it is commonly avoided to evade any possible bacterial infections or parasites. 

Raw fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are highly beneficial for a dog’s coat and skin health. As well as that, it is also high in protein which is great for building muscle. 

Raw fish is so split as to whether it can be considered safe because it can still potentially carry various bacteria like Listeria, Salmonella and E. coli, as well as harmful parasites. Many dogs are immune to the dangers of these bacteria; however, it is still possible that it could affect them, so many people choose to avoid raw fish.

Fish consists of many small bones, which can sometimes be sharp or pose choking hazards to dogs. Sharp bones may poke or cut a dog’s stomach on its way down, and other bones may also cause choking hazards to the oesophagus and stomach.

Fish are also made up of high quantities of mercury which can result in heavy metal toxicity, particularly in fish like salmon. 

Although fish can provide many health benefits for dogs, it is usually better to stay safe and avoid feeding it raw, but instead, have it cooked with the bones removed.

Raw Lamb

Raw Lamb is considered a safe option to feed your dog.

 It is a great source of protein which assists the immune system and aids in the production of antibodies and hormones. It is also rich in iron which will help to carry oxygen in the haemoglobin of red blood cells throughout the body. 

Raw lamb contains essential fatty acids, which can improve your dog’s overall coat and skin health. It is also leaner than cooked lamb, which can be helpful when handling weight management in your dog.

As with all raw meats, it must be handled with care as it is prone to harmful bacteria and parasites, which could cause problems in your dog’s health. 

In Summary

As with every meat on this list, you should always consult your veterinarian to determine the best approach to dieting for your dog and what foods may not be safe for the specific breed.

Always approach cautiously and follow all the important safety guidelines to avoid cross-contamination and other harmful bacteria. 

That wraps up this short guide on some raw meats to try and some to avoid. Remember, always do your research. 


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