You’re officially well into the second year of your little one’s life! If the first year was a whirlwind, this one is full of many more exciting growth and developmental milestones.
As your toddler's mobility improves — he may be cruising or walking independently now — he’ll be eager to explore the world around him. Expect him to get into plenty of places he shouldn’t (now’s a good time to childproof those kitchen cabinets!).
And even though your toddler may not be saying much yet, he’ll still find plenty of ways to get his message across: by pointing at what he wants, tugging you by your pants legs into the kitchen, or grabbing your phone right out of your hands.
Here’s what else you can expect from your 13-month-old toddler. By now, your toddler might cruise or even walk, or it may be a little longer before he takes those first steps. Tots typically graduate from cruising to walking sometime around month 14, but some wait until month 15 or later. Don’t worry too much about klutziness — i.e. frequent falls and lots of bumping into things — as your child’s depth perception (and plain old coordination) are still a work in progress. Most toddlers at this age will also be able to drink from a cup (hello, cow’s milk), say at least one or two recognizable words, and point to what they want. Intellectually, it’s all about cause and effect now: "If I drop my spoon, someone will pick it up … again and again and again." Your little one may also imitate you like a pro — you touch your nose, he’ll touch his. Less adorably so, diaper changes may become a battle of wills as your little one may have a hard time staying still. Besides, he may prefer to be bare-bottomed anyway! On the emotional front, expect some first attempts at friendship as well as a wide range of moods and behavior, from affection and kindness to frustration and full-blown stubbornness. As toddlers enter their second year, their rapid growth starts to ramp down. From now on, you can expect your little one's growth to be slow and steady — at least until your child reaches the ‘tween years. At 13 months, girls will have grown to weigh anywhere between about 15 and 27 pounds and have reached a height of around 27 to 32 inches. Boys will weigh about 18 to 28 pounds and be about 28 to 32 inches tall. As always, however, there’s a fairly wide range of normal. Your pediatrician can tell you whether your child’s growth is on track with how he’s paced in the past. By now, you may have weaned your child from the bottle if he takes one, or be in the process of phasing it out. Unless your doctor has told you otherwise, babies should start breaking the bottle habit by 12 months, and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends complete bottle weaning by 15 months, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Still, if you haven’t kicked the last bottle (or two) yet, don’t fret: Breaking the habit can take months, and most babies prefer a gradual transition over quitting cold turkey. Just be sure to make the switch from formula to cow’s milk now that your child has graduated to toddlerhood. While there’s no need to wean from the breast after the first year — experts say that breastfeeding can continue for as long as both you and your child are on board — try to introduce whole cow’s milk in a cup too. Whole milk contains even more vitamin D than breast milk, which is something your toddler’s growing body needs. It also has much-needed fat for your little one's growth. No matter what your toddler is drinking, be sure your 1-year-old isn’t filling up on too many fluids, which might blunt the appetite for solids. Try to limit milk intake to 16 to 24 ounces a day, as more than that has been associated with iron deficiency if toddlers aren’t getting enough actual solid food rich in iron. As your toddler becomes increasingly mobile — and increasingly confident — you may have to do some childproofing around the house. You won’t be able to prevent every injury, though. The occasional bump on the head and scraped knee are par for the toddler course. The same goes for illnesses, especially if your little one is in day care or around other children a lot. As long as your toddler is up-to-date on all his vaccines, you can rest assured that getting sick now can be a good thing for his immune system later. As efficient as it is to coax your toddler back to sleep with a bottle or breast (you need some rest too, after all), at this age, he no longer needs to eat in the middle of the night. Like adults, most toddlers are able to fast overnight for 10 to 12 hours. Problem is, toddlers who are used to getting a midnight snack come to expect a midnight snack — so he’ll likely keep waking up to eat, even if he’s not really hungry. The upshot: You continue to wake up in the middle of the night, every night. There are other reasons to drop the middle-of-the-night feeding(s) sooner rather than later: Too much nighttime fluid can not only spoil his appetite at breakfast the next morning, but unless you’re giving him a bottle of water, it can also lead to tooth decay. End the night wakings with one of two approaches: a cold-turkey, no-more-middle-of-the-night feedings approach (the key is not to cave, even if that makes for a few rough nights), or a slow-and-steady method of substituting a bottle of water for milk each night, so your toddler realizes that he no longer needs to feed at night. One word of caution — some toddlers will continue to wake up, even for water. If that’s the case for your tot, you may have to try the cold-turkey option after all. Now that your toddler is starting to toddle (or is nearly there), he’ll need a pair of shoes for when he ventures outdoors. Inside, he can still go barefoot or wear non-slip socks. To get your 13-month-old off on the right foot, you’ll first need to measure those little feet. Always fit your toddler’s shoes while he’s standing up, not sitting down. Once you’ve found the right size, check the length of the shoe by pressing your thumb just above the tip of his longest, fully extended toe — there should be about a half-an-inch’s worth of room. Even though toddlers quickly outgrow their shoes, resist the urge to buy a slightly-too-large pair. Shoes that don’t fit properly can cause irritation and blisters, not to mention make walking even more challenging than it already is. Breastfeeding is fine to continue for as long as you and your toddler feel comfortable. But somewhere along the line, one of you may be ready to make the break. And if that person is you, don’t feel guilty about it — you did an amazing job! Start the weaning process by telling your child that he’s bigger now and no longer needs to nurse. Even if he’s not yet talking, he may be able to understand what will happen. Here are a few other tips to try: Time it right. You’ll have more luck if you wait until your little one is in a comfortable place in his little life — if he isn’t sick or starting a new day care or in the middle of a move. Too many changes might be overwhelming. Don’t volunteer. Another way to cut back on the nursing sessions is to stop offering them. By waiting for your toddler to ask you, you may be able to reduce the number of times you’re breastfeeding throughout the day. Shorten the sessions. If your toddler likes to linger, try to gradually (and gently) shave a few minutes off his feeding time. If the sessions are less satisfying, he might be more willing to give up the breast altogether. Switch up the schedule. If your 13-month-old nurses at specific times of the day, try to plan an outing — or at least a distraction — during those times. For example, if your child usually comes in for a mid-morning snack, plan to go grocery shopping during that time and offer a favorite solid food snack instead. “Where’s baby’s nose? There it is!” Playing the name-your-body-parts game isn’t just a blast for tots, it can also help them reach an all-important language milestone (by 18 months, most toddlers can point to one or two body parts, and by the age of 2, most will be able to name multiple body parts). Facial features are a great place to start — put your tot's fingers on your nose and say “nose,” then move on to your mouth, ears and so on. You can also reinforce the words by singing the “Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes” song. Just be careful when you get to “eyes” — ouch! Routine is a toddler’s best friend. And it only makes sense: In such a big, unpredictable world, there’s comfort in knowing what comes next. If you haven’t already, now’s a good time to institute a bedtime routine — ideally one that’s about 30 to 45 minutes long, and always follows the same steps every night. Here are a few things to do before bedtime: Give your toddler a bath. Since warm water is calming, start off with a soothing bath. Put on PJs. After bathtime, change your tot into comfy pajamas — clothes that signal it’s time for sleep. Offer a bedtime snack. If it’s been a while since dinner, stave off nighttime hunger pangs with a carb-and-protein combination like crackers and cheese or a banana and cup of milk. Brush teeth. Now’s a good time to get into the teeth-brushing habit, if you haven’t already. The bacteria from food can build up overnight and contribute to tooth decay. Read a book. Choose a simple, soothing story or two to read in a soft voice, like The Going to Bed Book by Sandra Boynton. The idea is to wind down and relax, not over-excite. To a toddler, everything is up for grabs — literally. Like a little scientist, he’s touching, pulling and mouthing whatever isn’t stashed behind child-resistant locks. Sure, you can tell your toddler not to touch something, but will he listen? Probably not. Resisting the temptation to explore whatever’s in front of him takes impulse control — and that isn’t likely to kick in until your child is closer to the age of 3. In the meantime, your best bet is to keep everything breakable, sharp or toxic out of reach. Then, try to stay one step ahead of your tot by giving him something to play with, rather than waiting for him to choose what he wants to hold. At the grocery store, hand your toddler a box of cereal; when you’re folding laundry, let him play with a T-shirt. Try not to make a big deal out of your toddler’s tendency to want to touch everything, though. Any attention, even if it’s negative, might just persuade him to try it again. Some toddlers wave goodbye to their parents with hardly a backward glance — but others go into full meltdown mode when left with the babysitter or dropped off at day care. To ease the separation anxiety, talk about the parting in advance: “The babysitter is coming over while I run errands, then I’ll come back home.” Your tot might not like the idea very much, but at least this way he won’t be blindsided by your exit. Before you go, leave a few favorite toys out, which might head off the tears. Keep your parting brief and casual — if you’re sad and upset at the thought of leaving, your little one will be too. The same thing goes for when you come home. A dramatic reunion will only make him cling to you that much harder the next time you have to leave. Act like it’s no big deal, and with time, it soon will be.Your 13-month-old child's development
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Your 13-month-old child’s growth
Your 13-month-old child’s health & care
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