Your little one is well into toddlerhood — and what a difference three months have made! Now the baby who once spent hours in your arms has grown into a toddler who probably can’t sit still for more than a few seconds.

Not only is he off and walking — or nearly there — but he can likely bend over and pick up an object on the floor, drink independently from a cup or even clamber up a few stairs on his hands and knees. (Now’s a good time to install those baby gates, if you haven’t already.)

Here’s what else your 15-month-old is up to.

Your 15-month-old child’s development

At a Glance

Sleeping basics
Sleeping basics
Toddlers need about 11 to 14 hours of sleep a day, including naps. At this age, most take two daily naps that should generally last around one to two hours each.
Feeding basics
Feeding basics
Toddlers should eat three servings (each of which is about 1 to 2 tablespoons) of vegetables a day — though they may not always! Some good options include carrots, squash, cauliflower and sweet potatoes.
Did you know?
Did you know?
Around this age, some toddlers start engaging in pretend play — i.e. imaginative games such as stirring a pot to “cook” a meal or “talking” to family members on a play telephone.

Your toddler can likely walk pretty well, and boy, does he get around! Now’s the perfect time to encourage your little one to discover the world through his senses with looking, listening and touching games (“Teddy’s fur is soft,” “The radio is quiet,” “The tree outside is big”). 

At mealtime, help your tot tune into smells and tastes by discussing what’s on his plate — what it looks like, how it smells, how it tastes.

Don’t be surprised if your little social butterfly displays some very antisocial behavior these days: He still views playmates as objects rather than people, so it’s hard for him to feel empathy when he grabs a toy another child wants or shoves a little friend out of the way.

Finding a playmate can help foster good social etiquette, though side-by-side or parallel play will probably dominate the party for a while longer. You can get more details on your child’s growth, development and milestones from your pediatrician at the 15-month well-child visit

More little moments that may pop up around now: a crawling relapse (not a big deal, but don’t be alarmed if your tot chooses to crawl sometimes after he’s already learned to walk) and a tendency to push, pull or grunt instead of using words to get what he wants.

Help your toddler’s language skills along by responding to nonverbal demands with a simultaneous translation: “What do you want? Do you want juice?” Congratulations if you get an actual response!

Your 15-month-old child’s growth

At this month’s well-child visit, your pediatrician will once again chart your child’s growth on a weight and length chart. Most 15-month boys weigh between 18½ and 29 pounds, and usually are 29 inches to 33 inches tall. Girls typically weigh 17 to 27 pounds and measure 28 ½ to 32½. 

Whether your child is in the 5th percentile or the 95th percentile, chances are, he’s just where he’s supposed to be. Sure, toddlers in the lower percentiles are smaller (for now) than those in the higher percentiles, but your pediatrician is likely more concerned with how your toddler compares to himself— that is, how your child continues to grow over time.

For example, if your toddler has been consistently hovering around the 30th percentile, he may stay on that trajectory into adulthood. But if he’s always been in the 60th percentile and suddenly drops to the 15th, your pediatrician may want to investigate further. Has your child been sick? Is there a medical cause for the slowdown? Or is he just charting a new, smaller trajectory after starting off on the bigger side?

Wondering about your toddler's height? Take it with a grain of salt. Measuring the length of a squirming toddler is an imprecise science. No, your child didn’t “lose” an inch since the last doctor’s visit — somewhere along the line, someone took an (understandably) inaccurate reading. Until your child can stand in an upright position — and stand still, for that matter — you probably won’t be able to count on consistently accurate results. 

On the feeding front: By 15 months, your toddler should be completely weaned from the bottle, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Breastfeeding can continue for as long as both parent and child are willing and able.

Your 15-month-old child's health & care

There's a 15-month well-visit on the schedule for this month — and boy, is there a lot going on!

15-month well-child visit
15-month well-child visit
Toddler tub safety
Toddler tub safety
Relieving constipation
Relieving constipation
Toddler dehydration
Toddler dehydration
Toddler ear care
Toddler ear care

Toddler tips & info

Right-handed or left-handed?

Until the age of about 18 months, most toddlers appear ambidextrous, preferring to use their left hands as often as they use their right.

Odds are good, however, that your child will end up favoring the right hand — only about 10 percent of people are lefties. Genetics play a big role in determining hand preference, too; many people who are left-handed had at least one parent who was left-handed as well.

Whatever you do, don’t try to force him to use the “correct” hand. Pushing a child to be right- or left-handed when he’s favoring the opposite can lead to unnecessary stress on the child. Just let nature take its course!

When your toddler isn’t assertive

Toddlers have a reputation for being demanding, but some children are more passive than pushy, even allowing other kids to take the toys right out of their hands. As a parent, this might be hard to watch, but it’s not necessarily a cause for concern. 

As long as your child is happy — maybe he finds another, better toy to play with — there’s no reason to intervene. After all, what he doesn’t miss won’t hurt him. 

If, however, your toddler is tired of all the toy-snatching, it’s okay to step in. Simply ask his more assertive peer (nicely, but firmly) to give the toy back. If the grabber gives in, say “thank you,” but if not, don’t snatch it back. Remember, your toddler is watching your every move and will mimic your behavior later on. 

Most importantly, know that meek or shy toddlers don’t necessarily grow up to be pushovers as adults. With time, he’ll understand that he has rights and develop the confidence he needs to stand up for himself.

Should a cold delay a vaccine?

Your child may be feeling under-the-weather, but a mild illness, like a cold or even a low-grade fever, probably shouldn’t push back a scheduled vaccine unless your pediatrician has said otherwise. In fact, skipping a shot could leave your child vulnerable to something more serious. 

Another reason not to put off the vaccine: Toddlers — especially those who attend day care or have older siblings — catch colds fairly often, so the odds of finding a sick-free day on his schedule may be slimmer than you think.

If, however, your child has something more serious, or has a fever that’s 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, your pediatrician may recommend delaying the shot. Talk to your doctor before making a decision.

Cut off catnaps

Until about 18 months, most toddlers need two naps a day, ideally for about one to two hours each. Problem is, a toddler who dozes off for 15 minutes in the car and then 15 minutes in the stroller isn’t likely to log very much daytime shut-eye. 

Even if his naps total an hour or two per day, those small snippets of sleep aren’t likely to lead to a well-rested toddler — and that, in turn, can lead to a frustrated, cranky toddler. 

To reinforce the napping habit, stick to a regular sleep schedule, even on the weekends. Waiting too long to put your toddler to bed can backfire, since it’s harder for an overtired child to settle down to sleep.

What to know about sippy cups

There’s a lot to love about sippy cups. Not only are they practically spill-proof, but compared to an open cup, they’re also easier for toddlers to use. Still, there’s a good reason to make the switch to a regular cup sooner rather than later. For starters, the older your child gets, the more he may cling to his sippy.

To help your child make the transition, give him lots of praise when he drinks from an open cup (and be sure to demonstrate the process yourself). You can also take your tot shopping to choose his own cup — maybe that Paw Patrol motif will lure him away from that beloved sippy.

You should expect a few messes as he learns how to use an open cup. The good news: Toddlers love cleaning up!

The pros of playdates

Right now, you may be your toddler’s best friend, but that doesn’t mean you have to be his only one. There are lots of benefits of going on a playdate: It gives your child a change of environment, a chance to observe one of his peers and an opportunity to practice those burgeoning social skills.

Plus, there’s something in it for you too (besides the adult conversation). Playdates give you a chance to compare notes with other parents and caregivers about feeding struggles, sleep habits and even local pediatricians.

Just make sure you feel comfortable in whatever social setting you choose, especially in light of COVID-19 concerns. You can opt to only meet outside or virtually, or only with other parents who are vaccinated against COVID and/or wearing masks.

Remember that the risk of little ones catching COVID at this age may be higher because children this young aren’t supposed to wear masks and may not be vaccinated. So err on the side of caution and safety.

Why your toddler empties everything out

You finally finished storing your toddler’s toys back in the toy box — only to have him scatter them all over the floor again. Frustrating? A little. Normal? Totally.

Believe it or not, your child's ability to empty out boxes, baskets and bags is a sign of his developing fine motor and cognitive skills. (“What happens if I pull this?”)

Rather than discourage the behavior, give your tot some safe toys to dump onto the floor, like stuffed animals, nesting cups or small squares of fabric. During bathtime, you can fill up a bucket with plastic cups or bottles.

You should, however, secure child-resistant locksand latches on any of the boxes, cabinets or drawers he shouldn’t open — like anything that contains medications, glass, cleaning products and other harmful items.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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