Catch me if you can! Your toddler may be on the go from morning ‘til night, as his energy levels and desire to explore collide in a whirlwind of perpetual motion. Some toddlers prefer a slower, quieter pace, however — and that’s just as normal.
Whatever your child’s personality, your mission is to help foster it — by providing lots of opportunities for safe physical activity, both inside and out, and by supplying your tot with things like crayons, puzzles and books.
Here’s what else is on the horizon for your 19-month-old. Given your child’s ever-improving abilities — and ability to get into what he shouldn’t — it’s wise to re-evaluate (and possibly update) your childproofing efforts every month or two. Chances are, your tot is now able to open cabinets, climb stairs or grab something off the table. Keep in mind that at this stage, some kids may be chattering away while others have fewer words in their verbal repertoire. Try not to worry or compare your toddler’s communication skills with other children the same age. Some late talkers don’t bloom linguistically until age 2. (If, however, you’re concerned about a developmental milestone or behavior, mention it to your pediatrician.) Lots of toddlers this age are prone to wandering, even at night, so try putting a gate across his bedroom doorway. Other sleep problems include night waking and snoring, which is generally harmless, but check with your doctor to be sure there’s no medical cause. And even though your tot is still focused on “me, me, me!” you can start to lay the groundwork for how to be a friend. First lessons include teaching your toddler to share and cooperate using words instead of physical aggression to work out disagreements. There’s a lot to learn, but you’re a great teacher! Despite your toddler's seemingly small appetite, he is continuing to grow in weight and height. (See, he knows what he’s doing!) At 19 months, boys weigh about 20 to 31 pounds, and measure 30½ to 35 inches long. Girls weigh about 18 to 29½ pounds, and are about 30 to 34½ inches in length. Surprising as this may be, it’s all the more reason to make those mini-meals count, nutritionally speaking. Aim to introduce a range of healthy foods: bananas, winter squash, halved chickpeas, tofu, ground turkey meatballs and so on. Most 1-year-olds aren’t adventurous eaters, but the more you can vary their diet, the better. And who knows — your toddler may turn up his nose at tomatoes right now, but gobble them up with glee in a few months. One thing you shouldn’t count on: cleanliness. Toddlers are just as content to squish, toss and mash their food as they are to eat it (sometimes even more so). A little bit of tactile experimentation is a good thing — toddlers should play with their food, to an extent — but you don’t have to let the food fly where it may. Rather than serving up a pile of food, place just a few bites on the high chair tray, table or a plate with suction (which should stay put … for a little while, at least.) Once the food is gone, you can hand your child some more. There’s no well-visit until your child turns 2, but chances are, your toddler is getting into places he shouldn’t — resulting in a few bumps and bruises along the way. Does your toddler want to build a snowman? Go ahead and help him snap up his snowsuit. Unlike younger babies, toddlers can safely play outside in the cold, in part because they have an easier time regulating their body temperatures. Keep your tot dressed for the chilly weather in a warm coat, hat, gloves, thick pants or snow pants, and warm shoes or boots. Don’t wait until your child starts complaining about the cold to bring him inside to warm up, but inside have him come in when you start feeling cold yourself. Definitely get your tot indoors right away if he gets his clothes or feet wet, as the combination of the damp and the cold are a recipe for frostbite. Your toddler won’t let anyone else put on his shoes, give him a bath or change his diaper except you. Flattering? Yes. Practical? No. Not only can this lead to hurt feelings — your partner wants to be wanted too — it can also be overwhelming for you. Plenty of toddlers go through a phase where they prefer one parent over another. Like other toddler behaviors, this, too, will pass. In the meantime, allow your partner to make the pancakes, take your child to day care or play with him on the playground. Taking a step back will help your little one rediscover just how great the other parent is, while giving you a chance to take a breather. And if you’re the parent who’s been shunted to the sidelines? Don’t take it personally. Play your tot's favorite game, read a beloved book or make him a meal he loves. You may have to wait for the phase to pass (and it will), but try to play it cool in the meantime. Getting upset is only likely to make the situation worse. It’s hard to believe — and even harder to watch — but head banging is a habit that can, in fact, be comforting and soothing to a toddler. Many tots bang their heads before they go to sleep or when they’re trying to fall back asleep, but others do it when they’re bored, overstimulated or having a tantrum. Luckily, your tot probably won’t hurt himself — that noggin is stronger than you think. But there are better ways to rock out at bedtime: by reading a story in a rocking chair, giving him a child-size rocker to use, or swaying to gentle rhythmic moving. In most cases, the less attention you draw to the behavior, the better off you’re likely to be. It’s only natural that your toddler wants to walk on his own two feet. After all, he’s finally getting good at it. While this newfound interest in being a pedestrian is understandable, there are times when you have no choice but to put your tot in the stroller. To make the trip more enticing, attach a rotating supply of toys with a stroller clip. As you walk, point out all the sights — the flowers, the groceries, the racks of clothing — and try not to be bothered by your little one's stroller protests. If all else fails, make a deal: “You have to stay in your stroller right now, but we can go for a walk when we get home.” Few toddlers can sit still long enough for a hair trim — or even a cursory comb-out, for that matter. Turn the hair-brushing task into a game with a little pretend play. Set your toddler on a chair in front of a mirror and play “hair salon.” While you go to work, allow him to brush a doll’s or stuffed animal’s hair with a hairbrush of his own. With any luck, he’ll sit still long enough for you to detangle those little locks. You owe a lot to the beloved binky, but now that your toddler is no longer a baby, you’d like to pull the plug. While even the most persistent pacifier users should give up the paci by age 4, there are good reasons to kick the habit before then, starting in the second six months of life and certainly by age 1 or 2. That’s because prolonged pacifier use is linked to recurrent ear infections and misaligned teeth. To wean your child off the paci, try setting limits on where the pacifier can be used: in the house, then just in his bedroom, then just in his crib. Or, set time limits on the pacifier sessions, gradually reducing them from 30 minutes down to two or three minutes. Star or sticker charts and other rewards systems can also help your tot ditch the habit. All good things must come to an end eventually — and that includes the morning nap, which usually falls out of favor sometime around the mid-year mark. By this age, most toddlers can get by with just an afternoon snooze, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be sleepier (and crankier) than usual while he adjusts to the new sleeping schedule. To ease the transition, try establishing “quiet time” rest during his old naptime, where you can read your little one stories and play low-energy games.Your 19-month-old child’s development
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Your 19-month-old child’s growth
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