Who knew such a little person could have such a big temper? Believe it or not, your toddler is growing ever more sophisticated — right now, she just doesn’t have the vocabulary to express it. Now that’s frustrating!

Given your tot's current temperament, you might want to hold off on making any big changes, like to her routine or bedroom. At this age, toddlers crave consistency, with everything having to be “just so.” What may be boring to you is reassuring to her.

Here’s what else is going on with your 22-month-old.

Your 22-month-old child’s development

At a Glance

Sleeping basics
Sleeping basics
Toddlers need about 11 to 14 hours of sleep a day, including an afternoon nap that lasts for around one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half hours.
Feeding basics
Feeding basics
At this age, toddlers need about 700 milligrams of calcium a day, which she should meet if she eats about two to three daily servings of dairy (think: milk, yogurt and cheese).
Did you know?
Did you know?
Toddler speech picks up after the 1½-year mark. Between 22 and 24 months, your toddler may start saying close to 50 words, although there’s a wide range of normal when it comes to language development.

A short fuse is common among the almost-2 set, primarily because a toddler’s mind is much more advanced than her skills. In other words, your tot knows what she wants but not necessarily how to get it — or even ask for it. 

You can help by being patient and staying calm — no screaming or tantrums from you. Your child is looking to you as an example, after all.

A low-key approach also works when it comes to toddler sharing and taking turns, a tough yet necessary lesson to teach, especially as she becomes more social. 

In other news, you might be concerned about those little hands exploring those genitals (totally normal), but don’t make a big deal out of it. Later, when your child is older, you can explain the concept of privacy and what’s okay to do in public vs. what isn’t, but for now, your toddler is too young to understand those concepts. Distraction will probably be more effective than anything else at this point.

Other potentially concerning toddler antics include obsessive behavior — for instance, she must have her banana cut exactly the same way every day or she has to wear the brown hat and it must be on backwards. Don’t sweat it. This is just a toddler’s way of trying to gain a little bit of power and control over her life.  

Your best bet is to humor your tot while gently suggesting that she try something new every once in a while. Along these lines, lots of toddlers are very resistant to change as even minor adjustments to the routine can rock their world.

Hold off on any switch-ups that can wait, like putting that new rug in her room, and try to give her plenty of warning about those that cannot.

Your 22-month-old child’s growth

At 22 months, girls will have grown to anywhere from about 19 to 31½ pounds and have reached a height of 31 to 35½ inches. Boys weigh in at about 20½ to 32½ pounds and measure 31½ to 36½ inches tall.

If you haven’t noticed by now, your toddler has likely picked up some pretty odd eating behaviors. Does your little one shun any food that touches another one? Does she have a fit if you hand her a broken cracker?

Most toddlers have plenty of harmless (albeit, annoying) food fixations. And this, too, will pass. Your best bet is simply to comply with your tot’s demands, in part because putting up a fuss is only more likely to make her dig in her heels. 

Serve your child's meals in a divided plate so each type of food is separated from the others, and offer unbroken crackers whenever possible. When your little one is older, you’ll be able to reason with her, but for now, you may have to humor her.

Your 22-month-old child’s health & care

Gone are the days when your toddler was just, well, toddling. By now, your child may be running (or nearly there), kicking a ball and even trying to jump in place — all of which is sure to keep you on your toes too! Here’s what else there is to know about your 22-month-old’s health and care.

Treating spider bites
Treating spider bites
How to handle “carry-me” syndrome
How to handle “carry-me” syndrome
Dressing for the weather
Dressing for the weather
Toddler eye injuries
Toddler eye injuries
Refusing to poop
Refusing to poop

Toddler tips & info

Raise a reader

Can’t make it through page two of book one? Chalk it up to your child’s age, not her future potential as a reader. While few toddlers are able to sit still for storytime, there are some ways to foster a love of literature … or at least of lift-the-flap and pop-up books.

Choose books with bright illustrations and interactive features, and designate a specific time of the day — in the morning, just before bedtime — to read a story. At this age, short books are best, as are ones that rhyme. 

Remember, too, to be a role model. Every so often, let your tot catch you reading a book of your own. Children of readers are more likely to pick up the habit.

What’s this?

Does your little one have a case of “what’s-this-itis”? It’s a pretty common condition at this age. Toddlers are naturally curious about their always-expanding world, and who better to explain it to them than you?

They’re also keen to practice their new language skills (“Wha ‘dis?”), which may now be more sophisticated than single words. Even if she knows the answer, she’ll delight in hearing you respond … over and over again.

Understanding your toddler

Your toddler may have a lot to say, but that doesn’t mean you can always understand it. The transition between baby babble and big-kid words can be a frustrating time for those on both sides of the conversation. As your child gets older, the gibberish will evolve into real syllables, and finally, words and sentences.

Until then, however, you may have to do some detective work to sleuth out what your tot is saying. Listen for the sound of a consonant in her words — for example, “ohg” might mean “yogurt” or “eh” might be “egg.”

If that fails, encourage her to show you what she wants by taking you to it or pointing in that direction. Most importantly, stay calm. The less frustrated you become, the less frustrated she’ll be too.

The truth about the “terrible twos”

Thought the terrible twos started at, well, age 2? Credit (or blame) the alliteration, but this normal phase of development is more likely to begin in the first year of life and continue to the age of 3 or 4. 

Understanding why your toddler is sometimes prone to less-than-angelic behavior can help you keep your cool when you’re running hot. Oftentimes, the best course of action for meltdowns and tantrums is no action at all. At this age, toddlers can’t control their emotions, so there isn’t any point in punishing her.

Why comfort objects are so comforting

Babies aren’t the only ones who need comforting. Toddlers also need their fair share of reassurance too — perhaps even more so, since fears and phobias start springing up around now. 

That’s where a beloved blanket or lovey comes in. As your toddler begins to explore the big, wide world around her, she may seek out some comfort in a transitional object — such as a teddy bear or stuffed elephant — that will accompany her wherever she goes. 

A comfort object can undoubtedly be a good thing, but you may want to take a few precautions to keep it clean and prevent it from getting lost. Set limits for where your tot can take it (in the car, but not on the playground) and consider buying a duplicate lovey so she won’t notice if the original goes missing.

Teaching your toddler manners

Toddlers aren’t exactly known for their social etiquette skills, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start laying the foundation for good manners at a young age. Encourage your child to say “please” when she wants something and “thank you” when she gets it. 

Even when your tot starts to get the hang of it, she’ll still need reminding. When that happens, ask “What’s the magic word?” or “What do you say?” It’ll take years before saying “please” and “thank you” becomes second nature, but honing her manners at an early age will give her a good head start on the road to civility.

Toddler generalizations

Why does your toddler insist on calling every man “da-da”? Or, much to your embarrassment, every gray-haired woman “ga-ma”? That’s because toddlers don’t yet have a sophisticated vocabulary — and therefore, a way to differentiate between one type of person (for example, someone with a “dad-like” appearance) and another. 

The next time your tot uses a word that’s close-but-not-quite-right, gently steer her in the right direction: “That’s another man. Daddy is a man too, but this is a different man.” Eventually, your toddler will learn more new words that will help expand her vocabulary — and way of thinking.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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