As he barrels into his third year of life, your little one can probably wash and dry his hands and brush his teeth (with a bit of help). He might even be able to balance on one foot and find the armholes in his T-shirt when you’re getting him dressed — though not at the same time!

With all these burgeoning talents, accidents are bound to happen — from cup spills and falls to broken lamps. Keep in mind that most of those mishaps are due to those still-developing fine-motor skills, which should shore up by the time he’s closer to age 3.

As for those intentional spills? Although they may seem naughty, like so many of your child’s antics at this age, they may very well be motivated by curiosity, not malice.

You can try to avoid accidents in the first place by removing as many breakable objects from his growing reach as possible, but when your darling throws or spills at will, make it clear — without yelling — that this is unacceptable.

Here’s what else your little explorer is up to at 25 months.

Your 25-month-old child's development

At a Glance

Sleeping basics
Sleeping basics
Toddlers need about 11 to 14 hours of sleep a day, including an afternoon nap that lasts for about one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half hours, give or take.
Feeding basics
Feeding basics
Most 2-year-olds need to eat about three meals a day, plus two to three snacks.
Did you know?
Did you know?
Break out the vacuum and the broom! At this age, your toddler wants to imitate you as you do chores around the house. (If only this desire would last forever.)

Speaking of who’s in charge, keep in mind that your tot may protest (loudly) when you declare that it’s bedtimebathtime or just time to clean up. But as much as he loves asserting his independence and often with defiance, he actually takes comfort in knowing what to expect throughout the day. 

Routines are the calm in the storm for a toddler, and they help ease transitions so the day goes more smoothly. Choosing the same toys to play with or the same jacket to wear gives him a sense of control over his big and sometimes scary environment.

One routine that may get bumpy however, is the mealtime routine. As hard as it is, try not to tempt him with “just one more bite.” Food strikes are common among the toddler set — who are eager to assert their independence — as are picky eating and food rituals

The downside to this love of ritual, of course, is resistance to change — and some tots are particularly unsettled by impromptu plans. When a last-minute change breaks up an otherwise predictable routine, try to give your toddler as much of a heads-up as possible. A little advance notice can help the transition go a lot more smoothly.

Your 25-month-old child’s growth

Your toddler’s growth rate will slow down after his second birthday — and in all likelihood, his appetite (or lack-thereof) may reflect that. 

As a general rule, a 25-month-old boy will weigh about 24 to 34 pounds and measure 33½ to 37 inches tall, and a girl will weigh about 23 to 33 pounds and measure 32 to 36½ inches tall.

You might be wondering whether it’s wise to start limiting your tot’s fat and cholesterol intake to avoid problems later in life. If you haven’t already, switch from full-fat dairy products to reduced-fat varieties and make sure to serve enough fiber-rich foods, like whole grains, fiber-rich whole grain (aim for about four to six toddler-sized servings a day — which you can get in one slice of whole grain bread), legumes, fruits and veggies in your child’s diet, along with lean sources of protein such as poultry and fish.

Just don’t go overboard with restrictions. Children need heart-healthy sources of fat to grow — physically and intellectually — so check with your pediatrician on what’s what in the diet department.

Your 25-month-old child’s health & care

Your toddler is still five months away from his next routine well-visit, but you may have to make an impromptu doctor’s appointment before then.

It’s not unusual for most children — particularly those in day care — to catch at least six to eight colds a year.

Some kids also develop seasonal allergies around the age of 2, with symptoms being similar to that of the common cold, though they’re more likely to develop when they’re older. Make sure to continue to be aware of and discuss potential food allergens with your pediatrician.

Here’s what else is going on with your toddler’s health.

Frequent colds in toddlers
Frequent colds in toddlers
Hearing problems in toddlers
Hearing problems in toddlers
Seasonal allergies
Seasonal allergies
Discouraging nail biting
Discouraging nail biting
Labored breathing in toddlers
Labored breathing in toddlers

Toddler tips & info

When your tot drinks bathwater

Has your toddler started drinking from an open cup … in the bathtub? Try not to worry. A few sips aren’t likely to make him sick. 

Even though bathwater contains an unappetizing mix of soap, shampoo, dead skin cells, bacteria and even urine, the large amount of water in the tub usually dilutes anything that could be dangerous.

But drinking dirty bathwater — or even just being in the bath — isn’t a good idea if your tot has a bowel movement in the tub. In that case, take him out right away and wash everything in the tub ( washcloth, bath mat, tub toys) in the washing machine or sink.

Is your toddler afraid of the dark?

As a baby, your child may have slept in total darkness. Now, he wants to leave the lights on all night. What gives?

Starting around the age of 2, many toddlers develop a fear of the dark — a phase that often lasts for anywhere from a few weeks to a few months or even years. Credit (or blame) his newly sophisticated, highly suggestible imagination, which tends to run wild at night … and in the dark.

What may sound silly to an adult, however, is very real to a toddler — so don’t dismiss it or tease him about it. Instead, offer him a security object like a stuffed animal and leave a little night light on in his room. 

If he calls out to you in the middle of the night, don’t turn on the light or bring him into your bed. Have him stay in his own room and comfort him in the dark.

Speak the “animal language”

Animals make lots of silly sounds that already delight your toddler: “quack,” “moo,” “baa.”

But these noises are more than just fun to say — they also help boost your child’s language development. (“Moo” and “baa,” for example, can be among your toddler’s earliest words.)

Read your tot plenty of animal books or ask him to play an animal game with you. Oink, moo, bark or roar, then see if your child can guess which animal you’re imitating. (“A lion goes ‘roar!’”)

How far apart should you space your kids?

Now that your baby is no longer, well, a baby, you might be wondering whether you should have another one — and if so, how soon you should try to get pregnant.

There are pros and cons to just about every age gap between children. For example, waiting at least 18 to 24 months but less than five years after a live birth before trying to get pregnant again lowers your risk of pregnancy and labor complications. And the closer in age your little ones are, the closer (and more competitive!) they can be.

People older than 35 might decide to wait only about 12 months before getting pregnant again, since the chance of trouble conceiving might be higher.

Waiting four to five years also has some benefits and drawbacks: Now that your older (or oldest) child is more mature, he may be able to help you care for the baby — you, on the other hand, may be a little rusty. And the jealousy over a new sibling may be even more pronounced since he’s been an only child for so long.

Sneak in more protein

At this age, your toddler only needs about 13 grams of protein per day, which you can find in about 2 cups of milk. But if your child isn’t a fan of moo juice, you may have to get creative by hiding it in other foods.

Try soaking a slice of whole grain bread in some milk, then frying it to make French toast. If you’re making soup, use milk instead of water, and if you’re whipping up a fresh fruit smoothie, add in a splash of milk.

If your toddler is particularly averse to the taste, turn to other sources of protein, like Greek yogurt, cheese and peanut butter (after you’ve checked with your pediatrician to be sure your little one isn’t allergic to any of those foods).

When to switch to a forward-facing car seat

Now that your tot is 2, it’s time to switch to a forward-facing car seat, right? Wrong. 

Although this was the rule years ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) now recommends that children should ride rear-facing for as long as possible — until he reaches the maximum height or weight of the car seat. (For convertible seats used in a rear-facing position, that limit can be between 40 and 50 pounds, but check your manufacturer’s instructions for specifics.)

The reason: Rear-facing car seats are better at protecting a child’s head, neck and spine during a crash than forward-facing ones. 

In all likelihood, your child won’t be ready to ride forward-facing until age 3 or 4, though it depends on his height and weight. Check with your pediatrician to be sure.

Toddler clothing sizes

Welcome to the 2Ts — the next stage up in toddler dressing. Toddlers don’t outgrow their clothes as quickly as babies do, but you’re still unlikely to get more than a season or two out of basic tops and bottoms. 

Here’s a breakdown of toddler clothing sizes, according to their weight and height, though keep in mind that sizing can vary by brand.

  • 2T: 29–32 lbs., 32–34 in.

  • 3T: 32-35 lbs., 35–37 in.

  • 4T: 35-39 lbs., 38–40 in.

  • 5T: 39–43 lbs., 41–43 in.

If your child is on the shorter side, he may be able to wear clothing labeled in month sizes (for babies) rather than the T (toddler) sizes. A 24-month-sized shirt has the same weight range as a 2T, but is made for a slightly shorter child.

And since your independent tot will probably start to insist on doing everything “by myself” (if he hasn’t already), look for easy-on, easy-off clothing: bottoms with elastic waists rather than button or zipper flies, and tops with wide neck holes.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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