Learning about etiquette is much more than mastering the words “please” and “thank you.” It’s about your toddler understanding how to consider and respect the rights and feelings of the people around him.

When it comes to teaching your toddler manners, it’s important to explain the “why” as well as the “how.” If he understands the kindness factor, courtesy will automatically follow. So, be a good role model and approach these lessons with consistency … and patience.

Here’s what else you can expect from your 27-month-old.

Your 27-month-old child’s development

At a Glance

Sleeping basics
Sleeping basics
Toddlers need about 11 to 14 hours of sleep a day, including an afternoon nap that lasts for about one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half hours, give or take.
Feeding basics
Feeding basics
Toddlers have a hard time controlling their desire to touch, snatch or throw everything in front of them during mealtime. Now’s a good time to invest in some suction bowls and plates.
Did you know?
Did you know?
Many toddlers have a handful of two- or three-word phrases under their belt (“I want milk” or “Go bye-bye”), although there’s a wide range of normal when it comes to speech development.

Speaking of patience, it’ll definitely take a healthy dose to cope with your little one’s whims. These days, if an impulse crosses his mind, he’ll immediately want to act on it, no matter how unreasonable or ill-timed it may be.

So if he demands a puppy (or a snake!) and that doesn’t work for your family, say no and explain why. But weigh his whims wisely: If one is harmless — say, an umbrella and boots on a hot, sunny day — go ahead and indulge him. This way, he’ll get the pleasure of having a bit of control over his life, plus he’ll learn that his feet can get pretty darn hot in those boots.

In other news, now’s a great time to give your conversational technique a toddler-friendly tune-up. After all, talking to your little one is the best way to encourage him to talk too. Ask him lots of easy — but not yes or no — questions. For example, “Hey, what’s that kitty doing?” 

Be extra descriptive as you go through your day: “This pretty flower is yellow with a green stem and fuzzy leaves,” and read, read, read! A word to the wise: It’s fine for your tot to start learning his ABCs, but hold off on teaching him grammar. For now, just let the words flow.

Your 27-month-old child’s growth

Your toddler may be making huge strides in the development department, but his growth is likely following the same steady trajectory he’s been on for months. Between the ages of 2 and 3, most toddlers only gain about 4 pounds and add another 2 to 3 inches to their frame.

By the 27-month mark, boys usually weigh anywhere from 24½  to 35 pounds and measure at a height of 33 to 37¼ inches. Girls tend to weigh about 23½ to 33½ pounds and have reached a height of 32½ to 37¼ inches.

While tracking your child’s food intake is probably a recipe for disaster (one bite of toast, three nibbles on a cantaloupe, half a Cheerio), there is one number you likely want to be aware of — and that’s how much your child is drinking.

Starting at the age of 2, toddlers should drink about 1-5 cups of water and 2 to 2.5 cups of low-fat (either 1 percent or skim) milk per day. Along with healthy fats, milk serves up a dose of calcium, zinc and vitamins A and D.

But it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Toddlers who fill up on milk and water run the risk of not eating enough solids — and that can make them more likely to miss out on important nutrients like iron.

Another liquid to limit: juice. Try to keep your child’s intake to no more than a half a cup (4 ounces) a day, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Juice is usually loaded with sugar, which can be hard on your tot’s tummy and teeth. One way to cut back: Stick to 100 percent fruit juice and dilute it with regular H20.

Your 27-month-old child’s health & care

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Toddler tips & info

Breastfeeding with a toddler around

Nursing is hard enough without having a toddler around — especially if that toddler is jealous of all the attention the new baby is getting, and isn’t afraid to act out on it.

Hitting, hair-pulling or even well-timed tantrums can all be signs that he’s having trouble with the transition.

While this behavior is common — he’s simply reacting to a major shift in his routine — it can be disruptive for everyone. To appease your tot while the baby is breastfeeding, try offering him a special book, puzzle or toy that only “big kids” can do. The idea is to make him feel as special as his new sibling.

In the meantime, try to ignore the tantrums as best you can. If you give him attention every time he cries, he’s sure to keep doing it. Be patient and firm, and he’ll get used to the new routine in time — and grow to adore his new little sibling in the process.

Afraid of loud noises

To you, a fire engine siren fades into the background. But to toddlers, sirens (and vacuum cleaners, and barking dogs) are sudden, strange, and much, much too loud.

While his fear is understandable, you can’t eliminate every loud noise from your toddler’s life.

Teach him to cover his ears the next time he hears a loud noise, and explain where the siren is coming from: “That was a fire truck. It makes a loud sound.”

You may even want to buy him a toy fire truck to play with, which can help desensitize him to the sound. Soon enough, he may be making fire engine noises on his own. (Good news, right?)

How to encourage pretend play

Now that your toddler is 2, he may surprise you with his ability to think up more elaborate forms of play (cooking an imaginary meal in his play kitchen, or pretending to check your heartbeat with a toy stethoscope, for example).

You can help bolster his pretend play skills by offering him dress-up clothes and props, like old hats, gloves and shirts, or by modeling new scenarios, like throwing a stuffed animal tea party.

And don’t be afraid to show him how to play with everyday items in unexpected ways — using simple objects can allow children to think more creatively.

Once you’ve shown him how to get started, step back and let him take the lead. You never know what will happen next!

Catch your child being good

To a toddler, all attention is good attention. So it only makes sense that, while you’re preoccupied with something else, he’d resort to flinging food or emptying out a drawerful of clothes — what quicker way to draw your eye back to him?

You have to hand it to him — your toddler is pretty smart. After all, his security is largely dependent on you, so it’s part of his survival instinct to get your attention.

To break the cycle, give him attention for doing something good. Praising your child when he wipes up his spilled milk or is nice to his little brother will satisfy his appetite for attention.

Do-it-yourself toddler haircuts

Rare is the toddler who will stay still during a haircut. But he’ll be more cooperative with you than he will be with a stranger, even if that stranger is a professional hairdresser.

Speed is of the essence here. Use a spritz bottle to wet his hair (give him a heads-up first) or dip your comb in a cup of water and comb it out.

Start at the front first — he’ll be at his most docile while you trim the tresses around his face — while holding your child’s head still. (You don’t want him to move while you snip, and this way, you can keep the scissors away from his skin and eyes.)

Then work your way to the back: Hold a section of hair between your fingers and slide your fingers down, snipping right below where your hand is.

Once all the sections are the same length, hand him a mirror and let him take a look at your handiwork. Cue the oohs and ahhs!

Time for an electric toothbrush?

Brushing your toddler’s teeth can get harder as he gets older (and even more fiercely independent). While a manual toothbrush can be more efficient — you can hit multiple teeth at once — an electric toothbrush might hold his interest for longer.

If you do opt for an electric toothbrush, go for the gimmicks — a brush that sports cartoons, plays music, or lights up, for example.

Don’t skimp on the other standards, though. Seek out brushes that have been certified by the American Dental Association (ADA) and feature soft (sometimes called polished) bristles that are gentler on your tot’s teeth and gums.

After he’s taken a pass at his teeth, remember to do a clean sweep yourself. Most kids aren’t adept enough to brush by themselves until they’re about 7 or 8 years old (or older!).

Dance, dance, baby!

Believe it or not, 2-year-olds are capable of fairly complex choreography — from swaying from side-to-side to bouncing on both knees or clapping along to a beat.

While you certainly don’t need to enroll your tot in a dance class, they can be lots of fun. Not only is dancing a great source of exercise, but listening to music can provide plenty of perks for children too.

Luckily, there are plenty of dance studios and classes that cater to the toddler set. At this age, keep the focus on fun. Avoid classes that are all about technique or require their students to learn full routines. What matters most is that he’s enjoying himself — learning how to plie can come later (or never!).

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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