It may seem like only yesterday that your toddler wielded her very first spoon, clambered up her first flight of stairs, or first pointed to her nose

One whirlwind of a year later (really, where does the time go?), and your toddler  can likely now feed herself a bowl of cereal, walk up the stairs like an adult by alternating her feet, or even draw something resembling a person (though it may look more like a blob with little dot eyes and a line for the mouth — drawing stick figure people with arms and legs often doesn’t happen until closer to the age of 4). 

Chances are, her speech has also taken off — she may be able to hold a short conversation with you, ask “who,” “what” or “where” questions, say her first name when asked, and talk well enough that even strangers can understand her.

Given all her newly honed skills, it’s only natural that she’s also brimming with confidence. It’s good to let her take the lead at times, but remember that she still needs (and secretly wants, even though she may protest) plenty of supervision from you.

Here’s what else is on the horizon for your 3-year-old.

Your 3-year-old child’s development

At a Glance

Sleeping basics
Sleeping basics
Starting around when they turn 3 or soon after, toddlers need about 10 to 13 hours of sleep a day (though every child is different). Some drop their afternoon nap altogether by this time, but others don’t give up their midday snooze until they’re 5 years old.
Feeding basics
Feeding basics
Changes in in food preferences are common among the 3-year-old set — she may gobble a food down one day, then reject it the next. Typical toddlers!
Did you know?
Did you know?
By age 3, your toddler can likely draw a circle if you show her how.

Speaking of communication, don’t be surprised if your toddler displays some pretty savvy negotiating skills these days. 

If she sees something she wants, she may plead, lie or even bargain with you to get her way: “Story first, then bath.” And if all else fails, she’ll fall back on her old standby — throwing a tantrum.

Rather than fight her on every front, you may want to pick and choose your battles. You should never compromise on a rule that’s designed for her safety (“If you don’t wear a helmet, you can’t ride a bike”), but you don’t have to stop her from making every bad decision.

If, for example, she throws her ice cream cone on the ground, you don’t have to replace it. At 3 years old, children are starting to learn that actions have consequences — so she may think twice about chucking her dessert next time if she remembers she won’t get it back.

Your 3-year-old child’s growth

By the 3-year mark, children are growing at noticeably different rates. Expect slow and steady growth this year too. On average, 3-year-olds gain about 4 to 6 pounds per year and add about 2 to 3 inches to their height.

At 3 years, girls weigh anywhere from 25½ to 38 pounds and measure about 34¼ to 40 inches tall. Boys tend to weigh about 26¼ to 38½ pounds and are about 35¼ to 40½ inches tall. 

From here on out, your child’s pediatrician will probably just track her height, weight and body mass index (BMI). If she falls between the 5th and 85th percentiles on the BMI chart, she’s likely at a healthy weight. 

That said, even if she falls at or above the 85th percentile, that doesn’t mean she’s necessarily overweight. Some kids who are muscular tend to fall higher on the growth chart.

One measurement you won’t need to keep tabs anymore: head circumference. After the 3-year well-visit, your pediatrician will no longer measure your child’s head.


Your 3-year-old child’s health & care

It’s time for your child’s 3-year checkup — it’s hard to believe how much time has gone by! At this age, your pediatrician will probably want to assess your child’s behavioral development, since she may be starting preschool soon.

Take advantage of this time to ask the doctor about ways to ease the transition as well as what to do if (or more likely, when) she gets sick.

The 3-year well-child visit
The 3-year well-child visit
Treating autism
Treating autism
Growing pains
Growing pains
Potty training your 3-year-old
Potty training your 3-year-old
Toddler snoring
Toddler snoring

Toddler tips & info

Getting ready for a checkup

Visiting the doctor isn’t anyone’s idea of a good time. But it can be even scarier for toddlers, who don’t understand why all that poking and prodding is necessary.

To help ease her fears, try playing patient and doctor and home. Buy a toy doctor’s kit and explain what each of the tools do. You can even pretend to be sick and ask your toddler to look in your mouth, take your temperature and listen to your heart.

Ease your tot’s vaccination fears

By now, your child may be starting to notice that a doctor’s visit usually includes a shot or finger prick — something that may cause a lot of pre-checkup jitters.

If a flu shot is on the docket for this month’s 3-year well-visit and your toddler has some vaccine fears, don’t hide the information from her. Explain that there will be a quick pinch on the arm, but that the pain will be over in a second.

When you’re holding her on your lap, try to stay calm. Losing your cool will only cause her to panic too. If it helps, bring her favorite stuffed animal or blanket along.

The end of naps?

Now that your toddler is 3 years old, she may be ready to give up her nap altogether. But there’s a wide range of normal when it comes to the no-nap milestone. Most kids chuck their midday snooze somewhere between the ages of 3 and 4, but some tots savor their siesta until well into kindergarten.

Whatever you do, don’t give up on naps too quickly. As much as your toddler might resist going down for a nap, young children still need that restorative daytime sleep.

If your child seems cranky or hyperactive after going nap-free for a few days, you might want to reinstitute the nap and try to drop it once she’s a little older.

When your toddler’s memory wanders

There may be a lot going through your toddler’s mind, but that doesn’t mean she’s likely to remember it all.

In fact, it’s perfectly normal for toddlers to draw a blank when it comes to recalling most aspects of their day — like who they sat with at lunch, for example, or what craft they made.

Another reason for her absentmindness: She’s so focused on the stuff that matters to her — like the TV show she wants to watch right now — that she doesn’t have time to try to recall the less important parts of her day.

Guaranteed that as she grows, so too will her capacity for recalling details. And when that happens, be prepared to hear all about them — a million and one times.

Yoga classes for kids

Want to graduate from mommy-and-me classes? Now that your toddler is 3, she may be ready for yoga (yes, really!).

When choosing a class, make sure the instructor has been certified by a legitimate organization like the Yoga Alliance and has experience working with young children. Some poses, like headstands, put too much pressure on little necks and shoulders, and should only be done by adults.

Just remember to keep your expectations realistic. Stick to simple poses, and don’t put pressure on your tot to get them “right.” What matters most at this age is that she has fun.

Biting at preschool

Not all biting is done in anger — even bigger kids can bite when they become overly excited or just want to get their point across — but since it can hurt another child, it can result in a suspension or getting kicked out.

If your child did the chomping, avoid getting defensive or reaching out to the parents of the child on the receiving end of the bite.

At home, explain that biting, like hitting, is never allowed, and be prepared to dish out discipline — a three-minute time-out, for example — when your toddler breaks the rule.

Rightie or leftie?

Up until the age of 3, children usually don’t show a preference for being right- or left-handed. Now that your child may be starting to favor one hand over the other, however, you may be wondering whether there’s anything you can do to influence the process.

In short, no. Hand preference likely develops before birth, so you can’t control whether your child will be a leftie or a rightie — nor should you try to.

Statistically speaking, your child will probably be right-handed (85 to 90 percent of the population is). Only around 10 to 15 people are left-handed, and still fewer (about 1 percent) are ambidextrous.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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