There’s no magic formula to teaching toddlers responsibility, but you can definitely foster helpfulness. First, you need a realistic expectation of what your tot can and cannot do — yes to sorting socks, no to making her bed.

You’ll also need plenty of patience. Start early with chores like picking up toys and throwing away the trash, and try to keep them fun. “Can you toss your socks in the hamper? Bull’s eye!” 

Don’t push your tot if she doesn’t catch on or isn’t in the mood to lend a tiny hand. A better way to encourage her: Set a good example by tackling your chores as cheerfully as possible.

Here’s what else your little helper is up to at 30 months.

Your 30-month-old child’s development

At a Glance

Sleeping basics
Sleeping basics
Toddlers need about 11 to 14 hours of sleep a day, including an afternoon nap that lasts for about one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half hours, give or take.
Feeding basics
Feeding basics
Toddlers should eat two to three servings of fruit per day. (A serving equals about ¼ of a cup of cooked or canned fruit or ½ piece of fresh fruit.)
Did you know?
Did you know?
At the 2½-year mark, your toddler may be able to walk on her tiptoes and jump with both feet.

Parting with a clingy toddler may be harder than usual these days, so be ready for plenty of drop-off drama at preschool or day care. Even if your child is happy as a clam at pickup, and her teacher reports that she chatters and plays throughout the day, mornings can be an especially tough transition.

You can lower the stress level all around by making sure your child has enough time to get dressed and eat a good breakfast without feeling rushed. And let your tot bring a little piece of comfort along, if possible — a blanket or Teddy bear can really help bridge the gap between home and school.

Once you’ve arrived, stay upbeat — even if she’s most definitely not — and help your little one get involved with an activity. Then make your farewell short and sweet — “I’ll see you after lunch!” — and go without turning back.

These days, you might also be wondering how to start imposing some rules. Again, don’t expect too much too soon when it comes to compliance, and do make sure your toddler understands the “why” behind the rules. (“You have to go to bed because your body needs sleep to grow.”)

Be clear and consistent, and be prepared to repeat the rules … say, about a million times.

Your 30-month-old child’s growth

Your toddler is halfway to 3 now — and boy, has she grown over the past few years! By 30 months, most girls weigh about 24 to 35 and measure about 33¼ to 38¼ in length. Most 30-month-year-old boys weigh between 24 and 36 and will have reached a height of 33¾ to 38¾.

Despite her impressive growth, you may have noticed that she’s not exactly filling up on fruits and vegetables. Vegetables in particular can taste too bitter, different or strong to toddlers (hence the reason she prefers pasta at most meals).

To make veggies easier to swallow, try cutting them into small strips and having her dip them in hummus or ranch dressing, or incorporating them into a quesadilla or tortilla pizza.

Try to avoid worrying that she’s not consuming enough nutrients, however. As long as her weight gain and growth are on track, and she doesn’t seem lethargic, she’s likely getting all the calories she needs.

Your 30-month-old child’s health & care

Your toddler is scheduled for a mid-year well visit this month, where her pediatrician will continue to track her growth (height and weight) as well as her development.

Poison-proof your home
Poison-proof your home
Toddler eye problems
Toddler eye problems
Ear tubes in toddlers
Ear tubes in toddlers
Sensory issues in children
Sensory issues in children
Motor delays in toddlers
Motor delays in toddlers

Toddler tips & info

Playing with an imaginary friend

Sometime around the 2½-month mark, many toddlers conjure up an imaginary friend. So why dream up a pretend pal when she can play with you (or one of her many stuffed animals) instead?

As it turns out, there are very good reasons to have an imaginary friend. Not only are they agreeable, easy-going playmates, but they can also help build her sense of security. If your toddler is afraid of the dark, for example, she may tell her pretend buddy not to be afraid — thereby soothing her own fears.

Far from being an unhealthy habit, research has shown that kids who have pretend pals tend to have active imaginations, rich vocabularies and (yes) plenty of real friends too.

Is your child a “late talker”?

Not every 2-year-old is gifted with the gift of gab. Toddlers who aren’t speaking much (or at all) by the age of 30 months — and who are otherwise developing normally — may be considered “late talkers” and should undergo a speech evaluation as soon as possible to help with language development and communication skills.

A late-talking toddler may have a speech delay (trouble articulating words or being understood), a language delay (only having a few words or an inability to put more than two words together) or both.

Language delays are the most common type of developmental delay, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and an estimated 17.5 percent of kids up to age 3 may have either a speech or language delay.

The good news is that most late talkers catch up to their chattier peers before they start school. In the meantime, ask her questions that elicit a “yes” or “no” answer, and work your way up to more complicated words: “Do you want an apple or a banana?”

When your toddler refuses to poop

Your toddler can pee in the potty with no problem. But when it comes to pooping, all systems are no-go. What gives?

Refusing to poop in the toilet is fairly common among the potty-training set. Some tots are afraid they’ll fall into the toilet, while others are afraid of the loud flushing noise. And still others are upset by the idea of losing a part of themselves when the poop disappears into the bowl.

First and foremost, make potty-training pressure-free. (The more you push, the more likely she may be to hold it in, which can lead to constipation.)

If looking at her poop upsets her, encourages her to wave bye-bye to it before flushing. You can also offer her a reward for each time she goes — like a sticker on a chart or a few M&M’s. Although it may seem like your toddler will never get over her fear, rest assured, dirty diapers will one day soon be a thing of the past.

Turn snacktime into animal time

Is your on-the-go toddler too busy to sit down for a snack? Make it more interesting — and more educational — by filling a muffin tin with animal-friendly snacks like berries, pumpkin seeds and baby carrots.

As she munches away, ask her to guess which animals prefer which foods (bears eat berries, birds eat pumpkin seeds, rabbits eat carrots, for example). You can also sneak in a few silly options, like mini marshmallows — a food that raccoons have been known to eat.

Flying with a toddler

One way or another, taking flight with a toddler is sure to be an adventure. There’s no way to know whether your little flier will love or hate her first ride in an airplane, but there are steps you can take to make for smoother skies:

  • Book a nonstop flight. Preferably one that coincides with your child’s nap. In the case of a flight delay, or the need to take a connecting flight, let your toddler run around in circles — something she won’t be able to do once she’s at 30,000 feet.

  • Opt for a window seat. As eager as she may be to traipse up and down the aisles or go to the potty a zillion times, it's safer for your little one to be in a window seat. She may get her arms and legs caught or bumped by passing carts, or hot liquids spilled on her. An added bonus? She'll have something to look at during the flight!

  • Enlist the help of a flight attendant. Can’t juggle a toddler on your hip and a suitcase? Ask one of the flight crew for help. They can also bring you extra pillows, blankets or water if needed.

  • Plan for ear pain. Takeoff and landing can be hard on a little one’s ears. To prevent ear pain from air-pressure changes, bring lollipops or sippy cups with a straw and let her suck and slurp away during those times.

Afraid of swimming

Just because your toddler loves to splash in the bath doesn’t mean she’ll be eager to dive into a swimming pool. In fact, being afraid of the water — a pool, a lake, the ocean — is normal in young children, who may realize that they’re small fish in a big pond.

While she waits to get her feet wet, give her a life jacket to put on — it might help bolster her enthusiasm and give her the confidence she needs to wade into the water. (Be aware, though, that this flotation device isn't a substitute for learning to swim, so always keep your child at arm’s length.)

And if you can, go into the pool with her. Swimming solo might be too intimidating right now, but if you’re in the water too, she may just overcome her fear.

Toddler night wakings

Your toddler has been a pretty good, consistent sleeper for a while now — so why is she suddenly waking up once, twice or even three times a night? Could she be going through another sleep regression?

It’s possible. Sleep interruptions and night wakings are a normal part of toddlerhood, especially when children are sick or going through a big change, like transitioning to day care or learning how to use the potty.

Try not to rush in at the first sound of a cry. Instead, wait a few minutes to see if she settles herself back to sleep before checking on her. If you do have to go into her room, don’t pick her up — just gently pat her on the back and reassure her that everything is okay.

Once she’s calm, but not fully back to sleep, leave the room. Repeat the process, and be consistent. It may take a few nights before the lesson sinks in, but by the fourth or fifth night, wake-ups should be a thing of the past.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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