Take a look at a room full of toddlers. Chances are, some are engaged in solo play while some are buddying up to seek adventures together. 

While paired-off play is more common as kids get older, keep in mind that some kids are just as happy — if not happier — on their own. Sooner or later, though, most tots find playmates and begin the (sometimes painful) process of building toddler friendships.

There’ll undoubtedly be some bumps along the way — your tot may become bossy or bristle at the demands of a tyrannical buddy, for instance. 

You can help her navigate this touchy territory by encouraging empathy (“James would probably like to make his own block tower”), teaching manners, and showing her through suggestion and example what it means to be a friend.

Here’s what else your toddler is learning at 32 months.

Your 32-month-old child’s development

At a Glance

Sleeping basics
Sleeping basics
Toddlers need about 11 to 14 hours of sleep a day, including an afternoon nap that lasts for about one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half hours, give or take.
Feeding basics
Feeding basics
Eating on the go can be a choking hazard. Only offer snacks when your toddler is sitting at the table — just like at breakfast, lunch and dinner. And you should still be avoiding dangerous foods including grapes, cherry tomatoes, nuts and popcorn until your tot is at least 4, regardless of where you are.
Did you know?
Did you know?
A toddler’s vocabulary takes a big leap around the 2 ½-year mark. By now, she may be able to use three- to four-word phrases.

Plenty of egocentric toddlers adopt an imperious, bossy manner about now — “I am the king or queen and everyone else is one of my subjects” (okay, maybe not quite that bad, but you know what we mean here).

This bossy phase shall pass (as they all do), but until it does, defuse the dictatorship by treating your child as you’d like her to treat you. In other words, try not to boss her around either.

Offering choices to your child whenever possible helps her feel more in control of her world and less likely to try to take over it. Two acceptable-to-you choices are usually all a child this age can handle.

Another potential blip on the radar these days: You might have a crier on your hands. Don’t be too hard on her — or on yourself. Just like when she was an infant, crying is one of her best ways to communicate, especially when words don’t always come easily.

Plus, some toddlers are especially sensitive. They cry (and laugh) more quickly and more often than others — but that doesn’t mean they’re any less happy than their not-as-sensitive peers.

Try to stay neutral in the face of her tears — don’t rush to the rescue or scold her for crying at a minor occurrence. Perhaps the most effective tactic of all is to try to help her replace her wails with words.

Your 32-month-old child’s growth

Toddler growth slows down during the third year of life — even more so than during the second year. By 32 months, girls usually weigh anywhere from 24½ to 36 pounds and measure about 33¾ to 39 inches tall. Boys tend to weigh about 25½ to 36½ pounds and are about 34½ to 39½ inches tall.

But even though your toddler might be making smaller strides in the growth department, chances are, you’ve noticed a big change in her physical appearance. Her baby fat has probably dwindled over the past year or so, with her arms and legs — and even face — becoming more child-like and less baby-like.

Still, toddler growth can keep you guessing — and worrying. Is she smaller or bigger than all her peers? Taller or shorter than everyone on the playground? Try not to compare her to other children (as hard as that can be). 

A better marker of her growth is whether she’s growing at a normal rate for her — something that your child’s pediatrician, who has been plotting her height and weight on a growth chart since birth, will be able to tell you.

Your 32-month-old child’s health & care

Your toddler can run, jump and kick with the best of them — and this, combined with her sky-high confidence levels and fearlessness (if that’s the kind of tot she is), can lead to quite a few bumps and bruises. Ouch!

Does your toddler need a multivitamin?
Does your toddler need a multivitamin?
Toddler anxiety
Toddler anxiety
Toddler sleepwalking
Toddler sleepwalking
Toddler bottom care
Toddler bottom care
Hand, foot and mouth disease
Hand, foot and mouth disease

Toddler tips & info

Toddler road trips

When you have a toddler, traveling by car makes a lot of sense. Not only is it usually cheaper than buying a train or plane ticket, but there are no other passengers nearby for your toddler to annoy.

Still, it can be hard for little ones to be cooped up in a car for hours at a time. To make the ride a little smoother, you’ll want to bring as many snacks, toys and other forms of entertainment as you can. (Alas, the days of traveling light are behind you.)

Here are a few things to pack to make the ride a little smoother.

  • Snacks: Bring along your toddler’s favorites, like PB&J, cheese and crackers, apple slices and plenty of bottled water. Don’t let your tot snack in her car seat while you’re driving, however, because that can be a choking hazard.

  • Toys: Finger and hand puppets as well as crayons and coloring books are kid-travel essentials. Now is also the time to buy or borrow as many new or unfamiliar toys as possible. They’ll keep your tot interested for longer than her old ones (just don’t hand them all over at once).

  • Music and audiobooks: Get ready for sing-along and story-time — “Baby Shark,” anyone? You may also want to let her watch episodes of her favorite shows like Sesame Street (download them in advance) on a tablet you loan her for a little while.

Once you’re on the road, take turns being in the backseat with your toddler, if you can. Alternating who’s at the wheel can help make things more interesting for grown-ups and kids alike.

Should you get your tubes tied?

If your family is complete, and you no longer want to use short-term birth control, you might be considering tubal ligation — more commonly known as “getting your tubes tied.”

Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure that prevents pregnancy by closing off a woman’s fallopian tubes. This stops the sperm from traveling up the tubes to fertilize the egg, and prevents the eggs from traveling out of the ovaries.

In the past, tubal ligation was considered major surgery. Now, it can be done as an outpatient procedure in 30 minutes.

Getting your tubes tied is permanent, however, so if you’re still on the fence about wanting another child, you may want to stick to short-term birth control.

And if tubal ligation isn’t in the cards for you and you have a husband or other male partner, a vasectomy may be in order for him instead.

Why language slip-ups are common

Your toddler may have more than 50 or 100 words in her vocabulary by now, but that doesn’t mean that those words are always intelligible.

Toddler language slip-ups are a normal part of language development. Words that require fancy tongue maneuvers — ones with “l” and “s” sounds, for example — are difficult for toddlers, as are the “th” sounds.

As for more complicated concepts, like verbs, tenses and plurals, those skills usually won’t take off until about the age of 3.

Remember, too, that her language skills may be taking a backseat to other kinds of milestones at the moment. So if she’s working on running or climbing, perfecting her consonants may have to wait.

Helping your child with a divorce

Children have surprisingly good mood radars — and while they may not be able to understand such a complicated situation like divorce, they are able to pick up on your stress levels, which may be understandably high.

To put them at ease during this tricky time, make an effort to give your toddler extra hugs and tell her you love her. If she sees you crying, explain that you felt sad, but give her a hug to let her know that she wasn’t the cause of it.

Look for picture books that talk about divorce, which can help your child understand what to expect when parents split up.

And try to stick to your routines as much as possible to offset some of the other changes going on in your child’s life. Don’t have any? Now might be a good time to establish a “going away” or “coming home” activity, if you’re splitting custody with your ex.

Toddler humor, explained

Ever wonder why your little one cracks up whenever you put a sock on your head? Or your pants on your arms? Here’s a little primer on your toddler’s sense of humor.

Starting at about 1½ years old, most toddlers think it’s hilarious when you show them something that doesn’t match up with reality — which is why brushing your hair with a spatula is sure to elicit a laugh.

As she gets older, she’ll also get a kick out of nonsense words, tongue twisters and rhymes. Just be prepared to repeat the same joke, phrase or rhyme more than once. If there’s one thing toddlers love more than silly sentences, it’s repetition.

The pros and cons of iPads

Toddlers are naturally drawn to bright, shiny objects — and (as you’ve probably discovered by now) your iPad is no exception.

While too much screen time is always a concern for parents, there’s no evidence that using an iPad in moderation, with clear boundaries around how much time they spend and the types of shows they’re watching, will interfere with your toddler’s cognitive development. Plus, some research shows that certain apps can improve children’s vocabulary and math skills.

The benefits of iPad use aside, it’s a good idea to limit the time your child spends on it. At this age, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends kids ages 2 to 5 cap their screen time to 1 hour per day at most of age-appropriate programming.

After all, toddlers need other forms of stimulation throughout the day — like building with blocks, dressing up a doll, and running around in the fresh air. Think of iPad or TV time as just one of many activities that you do in very small doses.

Rein in accidental rudeness

We’ve all been there — minding our own business at the bank or grocery store when suddenly our toddler points to a passing stranger and yells, “That man has a big nose!”

As mortifying as this situation may be, try to remember that your child didn’t mean any harm. (At this age, toddlers aren’t tactful or malicious.)

You can try to head off this rude behavior by telling your toddler to keep her voice down when she talks about other people or not to comment about anyone at all, at least in public. This may take some time to sink in, though — your idea of a “quiet voice” probably differs from hers.

If it’s too late, however — in this case, if the man in question has clearly overheard your toddler’s remarks — it’s time for another lesson: how to apologize.

First, offer an apology yourself, then ask your toddler to say sorry too. With any luck, she’ll remember this experience and think twice before talking about someone’s appearance again.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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