If your toddler is more resistant than restful when naptime rolls around, it might be time to give up naps. That’s fine — but be ready for a couple of cranky days (or weeks) as her body gets used to the new sleep schedule.

One way to smooth the transition? Make her bedtime a bit earlier to compensate for that lost nap. (You may also need to move up her dinnertime too.)

Not all children are ready to nix the nap, however. Some don’t give up their midday snooze until age 4 or 5 And that’s also completely fine.

Here are more changes on the horizon for your 34-month-year-old.

Your 34-month-old child’s development

At a Glance

Sleeping basics
Sleeping basics
Toddlers need about 11 to 14 hours of sleep a day, including an afternoon nap that lasts for about one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half hours, give or take.
Feeding basics
Feeding basics
Banning sweets altogether might backfire and cause your toddler to binge on candy or cookies at the first chance. Instead, serve up a little bit of sugar on special occasions or offer a small treat after lunch and dinner.
Did you know?
Did you know?
At this age, toddlers love simple songs that rhyme — and they prefer to hear them over and over and over again …

Speaking of bedtime, don’t be surprised if your brave little tot suddenly develops a fear of darkness. What’s up? Just her burgeoning imagination, which can now cook up all kids of frightening scenarios once the lights go out.

It may seem silly to you, but these toddler fears are all too real for her — so don’t tease her or force her to face the “monsters.” Instead, be empathetic — “I know the dark can be scary sometimes” — and give out lots of extra kisses before leaving her room.

Other tactics to try: Stay within earshot so she can hear you puttering around, do a preemptive search of her closet and choose a sentry (like a trusted Teddy bear) to stand guard all night long.

And of course, skip the scary stories and movies for now.

What other curveballs await you? Even kids who’ve been using the potty for a while may experience potty training setbacks in the face of stressful situations or experiences like starting preschool, getting a new babysitter, moving, or the birth of a baby sibling.

Sensitivity is key, so stay cool, skip the scolding and give her plenty of praise for a deed well-done (potty-wise and otherwise). This will boost her self-esteem as she moves through a tough time.

Your 34-month-old child’s growth

By the 34-month mark, girls usually weigh between 25 and 37 pounds and measure at a height of 34½ to 39½ inches. Boys tend to weigh anywhere from 26  to 37½ pounds and measure at a height of 34¾ to 39¾ inches.

While her growth rate is nothing compared to what it was during her first or even second year of life, she’s looking a lot more like the young child she’s becoming than the baby she once was.

By now, her rounded tummy may be slimmer, her arms and legs may be more proportionate with those of a preschooler, and her head is about 90 percent of the size it will be as an adult.

Your 34-month-old child’s health & care

Colds, ear infections and even constipation are par for the toddler course. Here’s what else is going on with your toddler’s health in month 34.

When to call the doctor
When to call the doctor
Epilepsy in children
Epilepsy in children
Constipation in toddlers
Constipation in toddlers
Signs of frostbite
Signs of frostbite
Rain gear for toddlers
Rain gear for toddlers

Toddler tips & info

Buying a toddler bed

Now that your toddler is nearing 3 — or may be taller than 35 inches tall — she may be ready to graduate to a big-kid or toddler bed.

If your crib already converts to a toddler bed, then all you need to do is reconfigure it according to the instructions.

In the market for a brand new one? The good news is that toddler beds are pretty affordable, ranging from around $55 to $450, though it varies. Here are a few things to look for:

  • A frame that holds a standard-size crib mattress. Just as with a crib, the mattress should fit snugly into the bed frame — a gap between the mattress and the frame is an entrapment hazard.

  • Side rails to help your restless sleeper stay put. Some toddler beds come with side rails already, in which case you won’t have to pay extra for them. If you need to purchase them separately, make sure your toddler bed can accommodate them.

  • A safe, sturdy construction. Some plastic models may not be especially durable. Likewise, ones with square edges or hardware that sticks out may be unsafe for a young child.

  • A certification from the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). This certification seal, which can be affixed on the product or packaging, guarantees that the bed has met certain safety standards.

Keep in mind, though, that the weight limit for a toddler bed is only 50 pounds, so she will outgrow it eventually. When that happens, you’ll likely make the switch to a twin or other big-kid bed with a side rail — an option that can hold her through grade school.

How to solve a playdate squabble

Even the best of buddies are sure to clash occasionally. (“No! My truck!”) But you don’t have to jump in right away. Sometimes toddlers will work it out themselves — and that’s the goal, really.

If, however, your tot gets physical — hitting, pushing, biting — remove her from the scene right away and let her know that this behavior is never okay. One thing you shouldn’t do: spank. Hitting a child sends a confusing message about when it’s okay to use violence.

If the other child was the aggressor, it’s still a good idea to separate the tots to put some space between them. Offer each of them a story or snack during the interlude. Chances are, when they pick up their playdate, they’ll have forgotten all about their scuffle.

What to know about bed wetting

Just because your toddler is potty trained during the day doesn’t mean that she can hold it in at night. In fact, bed wetting is fairly common in young children — most aren’t physically able to stay dry at night until the age of 5, 6 or 7.

At this age, nighttime potty training isn’t really possible, since toddlers’ systems are still too immature to wake up and go to the bathroom overnight. And pressuring your toddler to stop wetting the bed may backfire and cause more accidents (not to mention hurt her self-esteem).

Until she gets a little older, your best bet is to put her in diapers or Pull-Ups at night and use a rubber sheet to protect the mattress.

When toddlers use bad words

Your toddler’s vocabulary is growing by the day — but some of those words are better left unsaid. Keep in mind that until the age of 5 or 6, kids don’t have much of a filter, so she only has a limited ability to censor herself.

The next time your child hurls a colorful comment at you or someone else, keep your expression neutral. If you yell, gasp or laugh, that might just encourage her to try it again.

Make it clear that it’s okay to be angry, but it’s not okay to use bad words in front of other people — and that certain words can hurt people’s feelings just like hitting can hurt people’s bodies.

Make the most of a museum visit

Now that your toddler is nearing 3, she may be ready to enjoy a day at a children’s museum.

Childrens’ museums are great for little learners, since every exhibition can be experienced hands-on. Think: water tables with funnels and fountains, toy race car tracks you can build yourself, and treehouses equipped with telescopes and slides.

To make sure your tot isn’t overwhelmed, familiarize yourself with exhibits and figure out which rooms to visit, when. Certain programs, like sing-alongs or arts-and-crafts-time, may only be available at certain times.

And as much as you’d like your toddler to see and do everything, don’t be surprised if she only sticks to one or two exhibits. She’ll learn the most from an activity that she stays focused on and enjoys doing — even if that means staying in the space station center all day.

How to lift a toddler if you’re pregnant

Unless your doctor has told you to avoid lifting anything during your pregnancy (call your OB if you’re unsure), you should be fine to pick up your toddler.

But you’ll want to take a few precautions to avoid hurting your back. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Keep a wide stance, with your feet shoulder width apart.

  2. Tuck your hips in.

  3. Bend at the knees, not at the waist.

  4. Lift slowly, with your legs rather than your back.

If you can’t lift your little one, blame your back, not the baby. No need to plant the seed for sibling rivalry early on!

When your toddler dawdles

Your easily-distracted, slow-moving toddler takes forever to leave the house in the morning (and day care in the afternoon, and the playground in the evening …). At this age, toddlers don’t have a good sense of time, so nagging isn’t likely to help. 

If you need to be somewhere on time in the morning, prepare as much as you can the night before. That may mean laying out your child’s clothes in advance, setting the table for breakfast, and placing her backpack or books by the door.

Playing a peppy song may also help pick up the pace; you can also set a timer for smaller tasks, like getting dressed.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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