When it comes to those ABCs and 123s, most kids are curious enough to want to figure them out. 

While it’s fine to gently introduce reading and math concepts, take it slowly and make learning a pleasure, not a chore (educational games are more effective than strict drilling in preparing toddlers for school). 

Reading is a great way to get to know the alphabet; choose books that make the connection between letters and objects — C is for cat — so your tot can both hear the sound and see the symbol.

You might also post your child’s name on his door in big block letters. Not only might this help him recognize his name in the future, but it’s also a fun way to personalize his space.

Incorporate numbers into your daily routines by counting cookies, socks, stairs and so on. Games such as Lotto, Bingo and Animal Dominoes promote pre-math and pre-reading skills, but take care that all activities and toys are age-appropriate to keep his curiosity from turning into frustration.

Here’s more of what to expect from your 35-month-old.

Your 35-month-old child’s development

At a Glance

Sleeping basics
Sleeping basics
Toddlers need about 11 to 14 hours of sleep a day, including an afternoon nap that lasts for about one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half hours, give or take.
Feeding basics
Feeding basics
Toddlers should eat about 1 ounce of seafood once or twice a week. Good options include cod, salmon and crab.
Did you know?
Did you know?
As your toddler nears his third birthday, he may be more talkative than ever — which is fitting, since he may have nearly 200 to 300 words in his vocabulary by now!

These days, his eager mind is working in ever-more complicated ways — so don’t be surprised to be on the receiving end of your toddler’s first lie.

He hasn’t yet caught on to the concept that honesty is the best policy — in his mind, lying is just trying to retain the illusion of goodness and/or escape the consequences of what he’s done (if I deny breaking the dish, maybe the whole event will just go away).

Plus, a toddler’s memory is still a work in progress, so your little darling may really not remember whacking his buddy with a bucket at the playground this morning.

This fibbing phase shall pass, but until it does, try to make it easy for your tot to tell the truth. Replace accusations with questions (“I wonder how this dish ended up on the floor?”), and reward his honesty when he ‘fesses up.

Lastly, be a good role model by being honest with your toddler — and everyone else.

Your 35-month-old child’s growth

Not all toddlers turn up their noses at mealtimes — some have a seemingly insatiable appetite. Keep in mind that different children have different metabolisms, so some toddlers may simply need more calories than others (he needs fuel for all that running and climbing, after all).

Worried that your toddler is eating too much? He could also be bored or sad. Still, try to avoid fixating on the amount of food your toddler is eating, and focus on serving up healthy foods — think quality over quantity.

If you still have concerns, talk to your pediatrician, who can determine if your child is at a healthy weight based on his age, height and activity levels. At this age, boys weigh about 26 to 38 pounds and measure 35 to 40½ inches tall. Girls tend to weigh about 25 to 37½ pounds and reach a height of 34¼ to 39¾ inches.

Your 35-month-old child’s health & care

Sometimes, the only medicine a child needs is some rest and a few cuddles. Other times, a prescription medication may be called for. Here’s what else is going on with your toddler’s health and growth.

Treating asthma in children
Treating asthma in children
Signs of drowning
Signs of drowning
Handling potty accidents at day care
Handling potty accidents at day care
Is your child overweight?
Is your child overweight?
Flu in toddlers
Flu in toddlers

Toddler tips & info

What to do about hair twirling

Like rocking and head-banging, hair twirling is a self-comforting behavior that toddlers use to release pent-up energy and tension.

Hair twirling (and even the more aggressive hair pulling) can spring up around the age of 3, and tends to occur at night, when children wind down for the evening. In most cases, the habit is nothing to worry about, and forcing your toddler to stop is only likely to backfire.

Instead, try giving him another outlet to relieve his stress — a toy hammer to pound or a toy drum to bang — or implementing a soothing bedtime routine (a quiet bath, a book and soft music). And if all else fails? Go for a super cropped haircut. Short hair is a lot harder to twirl!

Fun facts about siblings

Are you a parent of two (or planning to have more than one kid)? Then it’s likely that by the time a child is 11 years old, he’s spent about a third of his free time hanging out with his sibling.

All that time spent together has some benefits: Research shows that having a sibling may lead to less depression, more life satisfaction, more self-esteem and, among daughters, a lower risk of obesity.

As an adult, kids who have a brother or sister may also be less likely to divorce. Turns out, navigating life with a sibling may be good training for negotiating the ups and downs of marriage.

Decorating a big kid bedroom

Moving your toddler from a nursery to a big kid room is, well, a big step. To get your child excited about the transition, let him take charge of some of the decorations.

Ask him to pick out some fun sheets, whimsical pillows or stuffed animals, which you can incorporate into the room.

There’s no need to go all-out with superhero- or princess-themed everything, though — a framed poster here and a plastic crown there should suffice for now (and will be easy to change out when he moves on to the next phase).

You can also incorporate a few more grown-up features into his room, like an open, kid-friendly wardrobe, a kid-sized table and chairs, and even a colorful wall mural.

Kids’ birthday party etiquette

Chances are, your child’s first and second birthday parties were relatively apolitical affairs, with the guest list limited to family and a handful of friends. But once your child is in preschool, there are more kids to consider.

While you don’t have to invite the entire class (unless there are school rules in place), you should avoid leaving out just one or two of his classmates. If you’re not inviting the whole class, don’t hand out invitations at school — email them instead.

You also don’t have to open gifts at the party itself. Toddlers aren’t always gracious about getting presents (“I don’t like this toy!”) or watching other kids get them.

Talking about the loss of a pet

Losing a pet is hard for anyone, but it can be especially tough on a toddler, who doesn’t quite understand the concept of death.

Although it might seem easier to tell a white lie — “Lulu ran away” — you don’t want to have to keep lying to him or get his hopes up that your pet might return. In this case, honesty is the best policy: Explain as gently as possible that Lulu died, and isn’t coming back.

While it may seem harsh to say this directly, using a euphemism, like “Lulu went to sleep” or “Lulu went away,” could backfire: You don’t want your child to think that you won’t wake up after going to sleep or leave the house without coming back.

What causes potty training regression

Accidents are unavoidable when you’re teaching your child to use the potty. But sometimes, a child who has been potty trained will suddenly start having accidents all the time or even want to go back to wearing diapers altogether.

In this case, you may need to sleuth out the cause of the regression. Stress — over a new sibling, sitter, house or day care — may be to blame, as can parental pressure to use the toilet.

Toddlers can also be prone to excitement, which can trigger an accident, or too busy to notice an urge to go. Still other tots simply don’t want to stop what they’re doing until it’s too late.

To right the ship, go back to the basics: Suggest regular bathroom breaks first thing in the morning, after a meal and before bed, and re-institute the sticker or M&Ms reward system.

How to stop the “gimmes”

From the ages of 3 to 5, many toddlers develop a case of the “gimmes.” That doesn’t mean they’re “greedy,” though — it simply means that they lack the ability to delay gratification.

While you don’t have to cave to your toddler’s every demand for the next few years, you may be able to avoid a meltdown by telling your child that you’re “only buying food at the store today, not toys.”

If he sees something that he must have, tell him you’ll add it to his birthday or holiday wish list, or suggest that if he still wants it next week, you’ll consider buying it. (Chances are, he’ll forget about it by then.)

Remember: It’s good for a child to hear an occasional “no” — after all, he has to learn that people don’t always get what they want, when they want it.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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