If you're on your second (or later) baby and planning on holding a baby sprinkle, you may be wondering if it's appropriate to set up a registry. In a word: Yes! It's perfectly acceptable to register for your sprinkle. In fact, it makes things easier for friends and family who want to offer a token gift.

Keep in mind, though, that details are usually left off the invitation and provided only to those who ask. A little more baby sprinkle etiquette: One or two big-ticket items are fine to include, as there's often a group of friends or relatives looking to chip in on a single gift.

That said, your sprinkle registry won't be as extensive as your baby shower registry. You likely have some essentials that are still serviceable, though there are some items that are safer to buy new instead of reusing. And you also probably have a much clearer idea of what you really need and what you don't. Here's a run-down of the musts and the extras on a typical sprinkle registry. Note that while some of this is dependent upon the age of your previous child, these are good starting points.

Baby gear to put on your sprinkle registry

Infant car seat

You really do need a brand new car seat for each child: Safety standards change frequently, as do technological developments. Plus materials degrade over time, especially if you've been in a fender-bender.

If you must re-use your older child's seat, double-check it hasn’t been recalled by checking recalls.gov. And, if this car seat was ever in a serious car crash, it needs to be replaced.[1]


Unless your crib is only a few years old and still in pristine condition with all its hardware, you'll want a new crib. (There's also a good chance your older child is still using his, especially if it's a model that converts to a toddler bed.)

Crib mattress

A super-firm crib mattress is essential for safe sleep — plus a new mattress is also a must for hygiene reasons.[2]

Double stroller

Unless you have an age gap of four or more years between your children, a double stroller can be a lifesaver. You'll be surprised at how quickly a 3-year-old suddenly wants to go back to riding in a stroller when he sees a new sibling doing it.

Before deciding on a model, test out a few to see how easy they are to fold and unfold with one hand. Assess how much storage space it provides, even when the seat is fully reclined — you're going to need it!

It should be light enough that it's easy for you to hoist into the car or up stairs if necessary. Remember, you will be wrangling multiple children — so easy maneuverability will be even more important for you than a first-time mom.  

Soft infant carrier

You'll need a safe, comfortable baby carrier when you're out with your older child. And even if you had a carrier the first time around, this is an item that's best to buy new, especially given how often they've been recalled over the years.

When choosing, be sure the carrier is appropriate for newborns and that buckles and other closures are easy for you to operate with one hand. Try it on and make sure straps are padded and don't dig into your shoulders.

Bottles and nipples

Many moms toss these after a baby outgrows them, so odds are you need new ones. Even if you still have some hanging around, considering the relatively low cost of replacing them, it's worth it to have a nice, fresh set for your new little one.

Nice-to-have sprinkle registry items

Diaper bag 

You're probably over the cutesy diaper bag look (if you were ever into it at all), so a sleek new tote is fun to have, even if you could still get away with your old one. Register for one that's got enough pockets to handle all the supplies of both kids.

Two-camera baby monitor

Unless you live in a small home on one level, being able to keep an eye on both your babes at once will bring peace of mind.


Everyday essentials like baby shampoo, lotion and diaper cream disappear quickly, so do yourself a favor by registering for a three-month supply. Plus a sprinkle-goer can assemble a nice basket for a relatively low cost.

Baby clothes

You surely have some hand-me-downs, especially if both babies are the same sex. So instead of the cute ensembles (which will appear on their own, asked for or not), identify any holes in essentials, especially if your older child was born in a different season. For instance, will your new baby need a bunting that your older child never had? A swimsuit? A warm hat or a sun hat?