Facts or Fiction: How to Keep Mice Away


People have lots of notions regarding how to get rid of mice, and how to keep them away in the first place. But there are lots of fake news out there regarding rodent pest control. Here’s the real scoop! 


Let’s take a look at some beliefs regarding how to keep mice away. But these beliefs may not be all that accurate: 

Soap (Especially Irish Spring) Can Kill Mice

Quite a few people actually believe this. It’s based on the notion that mice like to eat animal fat, and animal fat is a core ingredient in plenty of soaps. So, the mice will eat the soap, and the other chemicals in the soap ingested will kill the mice.

But though it may be a great marketing gimmick for Irish Spring, it’s unfortunately not true. A single mouse will need to eat a huge amount of the soap before the mouse feels the effects. It’s not very likely that a bunch of mice will be able to ingest enough of the soap for the mice to feel the damage. 

Cats are Foolproof Anti-Mice Weapons

Yes, having a cat around the home can definitely help. But it’s only the first step to making sure that you don’t get mice in the house. It’s a well-known fact that a single cat alone isn’t enough in turning your home rodent-proof. Also, not all households can tolerate car hair. 

Bleach Will Kill Mice

This is technically true. If the mouse or rat consumes bleach, they’ll turn up dead. But the drawbacks to this approach outweigh the benefits. 

Bleach has a rather bad smell, and that makes it unappealing to stay in your home with the bleach smell. That’s not the worst of it, since the fumes from the bleach can also harm your other pets, and even the humans in the house. You’ll need quite a lot of bleach to remove rodents, and that amount of bleach is also a health hazard for the other residents of the home. 

What About Mothballs? 

Yes, mothballs contain a bit of naphthalene, and that can work against mice. But that only works as a deterrent when you use a lot of mothballs. And in some cases, they’re just not strong enough to get rid of the mice you already have. It’s just more likely that you end up with a stinky home, and you’ll still have mice issues. 

Peppermint Oil Works

This is the claim of some peppermint oil sellers. It may seem true, since concentrated peppermint oil (or any other essential oil) can seem strong for you. But the scent tends to diffuse quickly. Also, the mice will just avoid the spots with the peppermint oil. 

Some Colors Repel Mice

This is just false, since mice are actually colorblind. 

Dryer Sheets Are Effective

Dryer sheets don’t smell bad at all, but the smell can be quite distressing for rodents. But it only works when you have an issue with just a mouse or two. But for a larger infestation, it’s just not enough. 


Now here are some things that you can do to actually keep the rodents away from your home. And these suggestions actually work! 

Sealing the Entrances

This is perhaps the most obvious move. To keep mice away from your home, you should make sure that you don’t have any entryways that mice can use to get inside. 

The problem is that finding these entrances can be difficult, as they’re not obvious at all. Mice can actually squeeze through holes with the same diameter as a dime. And plenty of homes have lots of holes that are that small. 

Of course, you can always try to find these holes and then seal them with a caulking gun and wire mesh. But you may want to use professionals for this service, since they have the training and experience to find all these holes. 

Trim the Bushes and Shrubs

You don’t really want these shrubs and bushes too near your home. Mice tend to use these plants as pathways to get inside your house. They feel safe hiding in the thick foliage. 

That’s why you should trim the shrubs and bushes that are near your home. Better yet, you may want to relocate these plants farther away from your house. 

Clean Your Home

Mice enter your home because they know from experience that there’s food to be had inside. So, you should keep all the food away, secure in the fridge or cupboard. Use airtight containers for food outside the fridge.

Clean your house regularly, so you don’t have food crumbs lying around for the mice to enjoy. And don’t forget about the pet food, either. Once your dog or cat is done eating and they have leftovers, you should dispose of the food properly so they’re not just there for the mice to eat. 

Go with a Pro

Sure, you can always use commercial mouse traps. You may even employ one that won’t kill the cute mice (see some humane mousetraps here). But for a more permanent solution, you need professional service. 

This option may not be your best bet when it comes to cost. But when it comes to effectiveness and value for money, this may be your best option. 

Professional rodent pest control technicians can trap all the mice and rats inside your home. And then they can also seal all the possible entryways to your home so that these rodents can’t come back. 

Of course, you need a reliable and experienced pest control service. But many of these professional pest control services offer guarantees, so you know you’re getting proper results for your money. 


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