When masses of mosquitoes and other hordes of biting insects are on the attack (and have you ever known a summer without them?), it would certainly be nice to encase your baby in a giant, breathable, bug-resistant bubble, wouldn't it?
But unfortunately, that's not possible. To the rescue: bug spray and other insect repellents, which can offer some safe relief from those tiny biting beasties — if used carefully.
Safe and effective bug sprays and repellents for babies and toddlers
Effective insect and mosquito repellents come in many forms, from aerosols and sprays to liquids, creams and sticks. And the good news: A lot of them are safe for babies over 2 months old.
For the under-2-month set, bug repellent isn't recommended, though you might want to consider placing insect netting around your little one's stroller or bassinet for protection. Formulations for insect repellent generally fall into four main categories:
Repellents with DEET
Formulations containing a chemical called DEET (N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) offer the best defense against biting insects and bug bites. Protection lasts about three to eight hours, depending on the amount of DEET in the product; 10 percent DEET offers about two hours of bite-free fun in the sun, while 24 percent DEET gives about five hours. Most baby experts suggest that you apply DEET products only once a day, regardless of strength.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend DEET products for children younger than 2 months old and cautions against using any repellent with more than 30 percent DEET on children of any age. Your safest bet is to stick with 10 percent DEET.
A word of caution: Don't use DEET with sunscreen. It may seem like a handy combo, but DEET can make the sun-protection factor (SPF) less effective, and the need to reapply the sunscreen can result in overexposure to DEET.
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Repellents with essential oils from plants
Purified forms of plants like citronella, cedar and soybean can help ward off bugs — although less effectively than DEET-containing products. Protection usually lasts less than a couple of hours, and because they need to be reapplied often, these oils shouldn't be used on babies younger than 2 months of age. Products that contain oil of lemon eucalyptus shouldn't be used on children under the age of 3.
Repellents with permethrin
Permethrin is a potent chemical that kills ticks and fleas on contact, so it can protect against Lyme disease and other tickborne illnesses. But it offers no protection against mosquitoes and other flying, biting insects. It also can only be applied to clothing — never to the skin — or to outdoor gear like sleeping bags and tents. Protection lasts for several washings.
Repellents with picaridin
Picaridin, also known as KBR 3023, is said to last as long as a 10 percent formulation of DEET. Picaridin is also odorless and colorless, and feels light on the skin. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended picaridin as an alternative that may work as well as DEET, the AAP has held back their stamp of approval pending long-term follow-up studies.
Insect repellents that aren't safe or effective for babies and toddlers
Wristbands soaked in chemical repellents (which can cause localized skin reactions), pills with garlic or vitamin B1, ultrasonic devices that blast annoying sound waves at pests, bird or bat houses, and backyard bug zappers have all shown to be ineffective ways of protecting against insect bites.
Other bug spray safety tips
Keep these other pointers in mind when you bring out the spray:
- Spray repellents only in open areas, so you and your child don't breathe them in — and don't spray near food.
- Apply DEET and other repellents only to clothing and to exposed skin, but never under clothing.
- Don't use repellents near your child's eyes or mouth, or on cut, infected or irritated skin.
- To protect the rest of your baby's face, spray the products onto your hands and then rub on your child's skin. Don't spray directly into the face.
- Wash your child's skin with soap and water after she comes back inside, and wash treated clothing before it's worn again.
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