With your tot’s diaper days starting to wane, you may be hoping that rashes and other similar irritations are soon to be a thing of the past. But a number of skin rashes can continue to crop up in the toddler and preschool years. One that’s relatively common is ringworm.[1]
Luckily, while this fungal infection is contagious, ringworm is rarely a serious health matter. Here’s more on the condition, including the common signs of ringworm to look out for and how it’s treated in young children.
What is ringworm?
Despite the name, there’s no wiggly little worm present in a case of ringworm. Instead, it's called ringworm because it usually appears as red, pinkish-red, or pinkish-brown scaly patches in a ring pattern, often with clearer patches of skin in the middle.[2]
Anyone can get ringworm. The infection is caused by a fungus that’s found on the skin, in the hair, and around the nails. Ringworm (tinea corporis) is one of several types of tinea infections, which also include jock itch and athlete’s foot.
In addition to the skin, your child may develop ringworm on the scalp or even her nails.[3]
@brownskinmatters; iStock

What causes ringworm in toddlers and other children?
Ringworm is caused by dermatophytes, a type of fungi. Though dermatophytes normally live on the outer layer of the skin, hair and nails, certain situations can cause the fungus to rapidly multiply or spread, such as when the body gets extra damp or when skin is in contact with another infected person.
Here’s more about the different types of ringworm that can affect kids:[4]
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- Body ringworm. When the infection occurs on the body, it’s called tinea corporis. Ringworm on the body usually starts as red, scaly patches before the ring pattern forms (though not everyone will develop that telltale ring).
- Ringworm of the nails. The special name for this one is onychomycosis. You might notice that your child has yellowish or brittle nails, or that they seem especially thick. The infection can affect multiple nails on the hands and feet.
- Scalp ringworm. A fungal infection on the scalp is called tinea capitis. Though the rash can initially look similar to ringworm on the body, your child might lose some hair if she has ringworm on her scalp. The infection can also resemble cradle cap or dandruff in this area, making it a little trickier to diagnose. If your child is over 1 and frequently has a scaly scalp, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends bringing it up with your pediatrician.
- Jock itch. Called tinea cruris, jock itch is related to ringworm and refers to fungal growth in the groin area, on the buttocks, and on the upper thighs.
- Athlete’s foot. This condition, called tinea pedis, is also related to ringworm and due to a fungal growth on the feet and between toes.
Signs of ringworm in toddlers
Although not all cases of ringworm look exactly the same, there are some typical symptoms you can watch out for in toddlers and young children:[5]
- Round, pinkish-red, or brownish-pink spots on the body or groin area
- Red, pink, or reddish-brown patches on the groin area
- Rough, scaly patches with bumpy or raised edges will often develop next
- A red or pink ring of skin that looks irritated and tends to grow bigger (though not all kids have this)
- Some mild itching, stinging or a burning feeling
- Flaking, peeling or cracking of the skin
- Scalp ringworm may look like a small sore and then flake off, similar to dandruff
- A pus-filled sore called a kerion may develop on the head
- Swollen lymph nodes can also occur on the neck or rear of the head
- On hands or feet, nails will look whitish or yellow, thicker and appear brittle
Risk factors for ringworm in children
Ringworm is a contagious disease that can spread from skin-to-skin contact as well as from sharing items — so it’s not too surprising that kids are at risk of catching it. A few common ways young children tend to get ringworm include:
- Sharing bathrooms, public pools or locker rooms at school or day care
- Body contact while playing closely and certain sports like wrestling
- Living in a warm, moist climate
- Touching other kids with ringworm
- Contact with pets or other animals (rodents) that have ringworm
- Less-than-ideal hygiene habits
- Touching objects with ringworm, such as hats, towels or hair brushes
Treatments for ringworm in toddlers
Fortunately, a mild case of ringworm on the body is usually quick and easy to treat with an over-the-counter topical cream, powder or spray. If the ringworm persists, your child’s pediatrician may recommend another prescription in the form of a different cream, pill or liquid.
Ringworm on the scalp or nails can take a little longer to treat, and your child’s pediatrician will likely prescribe an oral antifungal to be taken for several weeks or up to three months. In the case of scalp ringworm, an antifungal shampoo may also be recommended.
Topical treatments are generally applied a couple of times a day to the skin for a week or longer. You’ll notice the rash clearing over time (it should be gone in two to four weeks) but if it worsens, ask the doctor for advice.
Because ringworm can be so contagious, others in the family may need to be checked for the infection too, and possibly use the medicated shampoo to prevent further spread.
How to prevent ringworm in toddlers
While you can’t always avoid this infection entirely, especially if your tot gets it from sharing items at her day care or preschool, you can work to prevent ringworm by following these steps:
- Look out for ringworm signs on pets (scaly, itchy patches on their fur are typical), get pets checked regularly and keep your child away from furry friends who have symptoms
- Be alert to family members or school friends who may have symptoms too
- Wash skin with soap and water and dry thoroughly after swimming, bathing, sweaty playing, or sports
- Avoid walking barefoot in public areas like locker rooms, swimming pools and public showers
- Use clean towels and avoid sharing towels, linens, hats, combs or clothing
- Wash sports equipment well after each use and don’t loan it out to teammates
- Scrub hands with soap and water after playing with a cat or dog
While ringworm is an uncomfortable, itchy infection, know that it usually isn’t very serious and most children have mild cases. Once ringworm is diagnosed, treatment can begin — and your child’s symptoms should ease up within a few weeks.