There are no sure things when it comes to babies (and deliveries), but on average second babies do pop out a little faster, all things being equal (which they aren't always).
Your body is more experienced the second time around — and certain abdominal and uterine muscles are, well, let's just say, a little laxer. This may have caused your bump to “pop” a little earlier on in pregnancy. It also allows for a potentially faster passage and speedier process when it comes time for labor and delivery.
The first stage of labor for a second baby
You can expect (probably) for the contractions to come closer together faster this time. So while you might have been advised by your practitioner during your first pregnancy to hang out at home until the contractions were five minutes apart, you might want to head out sooner this time, especially if the hospital is a trek.
You may also experience a false alarm: Your Braxton-Hicks or “false labor” contractions can differ in your second pregnancy. They may feel more noticeable or intense or appear earlier on in your pregnancy versus the first time around.
If it’s the real deal, this first, latent phase of labor can take around 10 to 12 hours for repeat moms compared to about 20 hours for first-timers. Your cervix will start to dilate (open) and efface (thin) as you begin experiencing mild to moderate contractions that get stronger, longer and closer together. Check with your practitioner for a good protocol for when to go to the hospital or birthing center.
The next phase of labor will also progress more quickly. Expect this active phase — when your cervix dilates from 3 or 4 centimeters to 8 or 9 centimeters — to last about two hours compared to an average of five hours for first-time mothers.
You’ll probably dilate and efface more rapidly because your cervix is less rigid after having your first baby. This more pliant tissue will also make it easier for your newest little one to make his exit in the next stage.
The second stage of labor for a second baby
The second stage of labor (when you start pushing and deliver the baby) usually takes about one to three hours for first-time moms, but often less than an hour — and sometimes only a few minutes — for women who’ve had children before.
Because things typically go a little faster, you’ll probably be allowed to push for up to two hours if you haven’t had an epidural and three hours if you have, as getting an epidural can extend this stage. That’s down from three or four hours as a first-time mom.
Here’s another way this go-around will differ from the first: When baby number two does arrive, he’ll probably weigh a bit more than baby number one.
Here's to getting to the hospital on time!