Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects a child’s social skills, communication and behavior. 

ASD is considered to be wide-spectrum, meaning that no two kids with autism have precisely the same symptoms and autism signs and behaviors may fluctuate. That’s why it’s often said that children with autism are like snowflakes — each is quite unique.

Fortunately, there are many treatment options for kids with autism spectrum disorder. To understand more about ASD, including the symptoms you might notice, the way children are screened in order to come to a diagnosis, and the possible causes and risk factors of the condition, read on.

What is autism spectrum disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder is a challenging developmental condition that affects a child’s brain, interfering with the ability to communicate, behave and interact socially.

Kids with ASD may also have very focused interests (drawing or a certain TV character, for instance) and they might engage in repetitive actions such as head banging, rocking back and forth, or spinning around.

Autism spectrum disorder is diagnosed in about 1 in 44 children in this country by the time they are 8 years old — and boys are three to four times more likely to have ASD than girls.

ASD is considered a developmental disorder, as the signs and symptoms of the condition are often seen in the first two to three years of life. It’s also seen in every ethnic, racial and socio-economic group.

Autism spectrum disorder symptoms

You might notice signs of autism as early as infancy. Here’s an age-by-age breakdown of the various autism spectrum disorder symptoms you might see in your young child:

At any age, autism spectrum disorder could entail the loss of skills your child once mastered, such as talking, waving or making other social gestures.

Avoiding eye contact, delayed language development, saying the same words over and over, or engaging in repetitive behaviors like arm-flapping or rocking the body are a few other possible signs of ASD.

How is autism spectrum disorder diagnosed?

Arriving at an autism diagnosis is tricky, as there’s no single blood draw or medical test that can be given and since many children with ASD hit milestones like sitting upcrawling and walking on time.

Instead, experts stress the importance of learning the potential signs of autism (avoiding eye contact, language delays or loss, little interest in other kids or adults) so that parents and caregivers can quickly bring these symptoms to the attention of the pediatrician. 

Your tot’s doctor will already be on the lookout for signs of autism because the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) currently recommends that children be screened for ASD at the regular checkups that occur at 18 months and 24 months. Autism spectrum disorder can sometimes be noticed at 18 months or younger, but by 2 years of age, a reliable, official diagnosis can usually be made.

At these well-baby visits, developmental monitoring takes place, which involves both observing your child in action and asking a series of questions about various social, behavioral and speech-related milestones.

If something seems off, a more formal developmental screening is set up, either with a different doctor, a speech-language pathologist or an autism specialist.

Since 2013, criteria from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) were broadened to include those with milder symptoms of ASD. A referral for an official autism screening should follow the DSM-5 guidelines to determine the severity of your child’s case based on social and speech deficits and other behaviors.

What causes autism spectrum disorder?

As for what causes autism spectrum disorder, experts don’t know for sure and there isn’t believed to be a single, known cause. But there seems to be a genetic component that may up the risk of ASD in some children, along with environmental factors.

For example, those with the condition Fragile X syndrome or Tuberous Sclerosis seem to be at an increased risk of an autism diagnosis. And if your child has a sibling with ASD, the risk that he will also develop it goes up too.

Older parental ages at the time of pregnancy and being born male are also known risk factors, though more and more girls are being diagnosed. There’s also a link between autism and certain drugs taken during pregnancy, like thalidomide (which is no longer prescribed to pregnant women because of the known risks of birth defects) and valproic acid. 

Other potential causes or risk factors include exposure to air pollution, specifically nitric oxide (though the link isn’t conclusive); early, uncontrolled gestational diabetes in the mother; and the use of fertility drugs.

Vaccines, race, ethnicity and income level have not been proven to cause autism or increase the risk of ASD in kids.

Autism spectrum disorder treatment 

While there isn’t a cure for autism, there are several available interventions and autism spectrum disorder treatments, which include the following: 

  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). This general approach strives to craft a personal plan that addresses challenges specific to each child.
  • Occupational therapy. OT is a catch-all treatment that helps kids with daily self-care activities such as getting dressed and eating, though it can also encompass playing and learning skills.
  • Speech therapy. Just as it sounds, this therapy can improve a child’s language learning as well as the ability to speak better and be understood.
  • Social and group skills. This type of training could mean learning how to interact with other kids at play time, practicing the art of sharing, or sitting still during story hour.
  • Parent training. Moms and dads of children with ASD can get some special therapy too. These services help parents address their kids’ behavior in positive, encouraging ways and also offer support as they deal with the challenges and stress of raising a child on the spectrum.
  • Special education. As your child approaches school age, he may be given an individualized education plan (IEP) to allow for extra help during the day, more time to complete task,s and even special classes that work on social, language and behavioral issues.
  • Medication. Sometimes drug therapy is recommended for kids to address specific conditions that accompany ASD, like depression, anxiety, impulsivity or irritability. But keep in mind that drug therapy is most effective when used alongside ABA and medication isn’t typically prescribed to toddlers. Instead, drugs that may be prescribed typically cannot be given until the child is at least 5 or 6 years old. Many kids with autism also end up being diagnosed with ADHD, so medicine can help with that condition too.

Raising a child with ASD is a challenge that affects the entire family. To ease the workload and stress that comes with having a child on the autism spectrum, join a support group of parents in similar situations and share the tips you’ve gathered along the way. 

With enough patience, as well as early intervention and consistent treatment, your child will soon be on his way to improving and adjusting to the larger world around him.