At the 35-week mark, you're wrapping up month 8 of your pregnancy with one month left to go.
Your little one may be starting to make an exit plan by shifting to the heads-down position, all while working on important preparations such as building body fat and brain matter.
Your body is also in prep mode: You may feel some Braxton Hicks contractions as your uterine muscles practice for the big day. If you're 35 weeks pregnant, you're in month 8 of your pregnancy. Only 1 month left to go! Still have questions? Here's some more information on how weeks, months and trimesters are broken down in pregnancy. Your baby is standing tall this week at about 18 inches. But at about 5¼ pounds, he's continuing his steady weight gain: He'll pack on anywhere from 1 pound to several, including large amounts of baby fat, up 'til delivery day. Your baby's once skinny arms and legs are now quite plump…and irresistibly, squeezably soft. Something else that's developing at a mind-boggling pace these day: your baby's brainpower. Luckily, the part that surrounds that amazing brain — the skull — remains soft. And for good reason: A soft skull will allow your baby to squeeze more easily through the birth canal. Did you know that the measurement in centimeters from the top of your pubic bone to the top of your uterus is roughly equivalent to the number of weeks of pregnancy? So when you're 35 weeks pregnant, your practitioner will likely be measuring about 35 centimeters on the tape measure. It's an easy way to remember how far along you are — as if you'd ever lose track. Something else that'll remind you just how far along you are in your pregnancy: frequent urination. Yep, it's first trimester déjà vu all over again, but this time, instead of pregnancy hormones to blame, it's the position of your baby's head. Now that your baby is head-down in preparation for delivery, his noggin is pressing squarely on your bladder. The result? A need to pee all the time. As if that's not enough, you may also experience urgency — gotta go now! — or a lack of bladder control when you cough, sneeze or even laugh (though there's nothing funny about it). Whatever you do, don't cut back on fluids. Instead, empty your bladder as completely as possible by leaning forward — just be careful not to tip over — wear a panty liner if you need one and practice your Kegel exercises, which will strengthen the pelvic muscles and prevent or correct most cases of pregnancy-induced incontinence. What's a doula? The literal translation is "woman's servant." Now, if only you could find a chef, massage therapist and chauffeur… A doula can do double duty when you need it the most. First, there's the birth doula, a companion who's professionally trained to provide support — and a hand to hold — during labor. The other is a postpartum one (read more about them in week 42). A birth doula knows all about breathing and relaxation techniques for labor, as well as the best positions to alleviate the pain. Some laboring women actually find they need less pain medication — or none at all — when a doula is present, although a good birth doula will explore all pain relief options with you and help you choose what's right for your situation. But a doula's most important role may be the emotional comfort provided during a potentially frightening time, and that might be just what the doctor — or midwife — ordered. To find a doula, consult an agency, ask other moms for recommendations and consult our article on hiring a doula. Whether you’re working full-time, part-time, or simply need a few hours to yourself, it’s never too soon to start thinking about child care (especially because some day cares can have a year-long wait list — or more!). Some common options include day care centers and family day cares, which are run out of private homes, but there are also nannies (including overnight nannies), au pairs, relative caregivers, and babysitters. Start your search by considering what you can afford to pay each month, how many hours of care you’ll need, and how flexible or rigid your schedule is. The pregnancy hormones estrogen and progesterone can make the mucus membranes in your nose swell, making you feel all stuffy. (Little wonder this symptom is known as pregnancy rhinitis.) To find relief, buy a box of nasal strips that open up your nostrils or ask your doctor to recommend a saline spray that can help reduce mucus. If your nose is extra dry, dab a little petroleum jelly in each nostril and place a warm-mist humidifier in your room to add moisture to the air. Try not to obsess about stretch marks. It's estimated that up to 90 percent of women get them, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), so you’re in fantastic company! Over time, stretch marks gradually fade away on their own. In the meantime, you can try some lotions and other products to minimize them. And look on the bright side: They’re a sign your baby is growing beautifully. Pregnancy insomnia affects an estimated 75 percent of moms-to-be — and it can hit especially hard in the third trimester (just when you need sleep the most!). What’s more, even if you are tired, your burgeoning belly — and active baby — can prevent you from getting comfortable again and falling back to sleep. Before you go to bed, try to wind down with a soothing bedtime routine: Do some light reading, take a warm bath, and try meditation or relaxation exercises. If you can’t drift off after 20 to 30 minutes, get out of bed and find a small, boring task to do — like sorting baby onesies. Then try to nod off again. Nearly half of all moms-to-be have heartburn during pregnancy — so if you’re feeling the burn, rest assured you’re in good company. Rule number one: Make sure to sit upright while eating and stay that way for a couple of hours after you eat if possible. Lying down, slouching, slumping and stooping will do you in. When you have to bend, do it with your knees instead of your waist — otherwise, you'll send all that acid for a repeat ride up your esophagus. While you're eating, try to avoid triggers like citrus and tomato (unfortunately that includes your pizza sauce!). And do your body a favor: Eat slowly. Chewing is the first step in the digestive process, but it's the one that's most often neglected when eating's done on the run. The more you chew, the less work your stomach has to do. Another chew that's good for you: sugarless gum, which will increase saliva and help neutralize acid in the esophagus. Just don't overdo it — too much can cause a laxative effect thanks to the sugar alcohols in it. Lastly, try to leave stress off the menu whenever possible (easier said than done, we know) — anxious eating compounds digestive distresses of all kinds, including heartburn. It never hurts to be prepared, especially before you go into labor. To get ready for your hospital stay, scout out the entrance — some hospitals require you to enter through the emergency room — and figure out where you’ll park the car. If you haven’t driven to the hospital yet, map out the most direct route and consider doing a dry run with your partner or labor coach. If you have children at home, line up babysitting patrol and ask a family member or friend to feed your pets, if you have them. Ever heard about women of yore squatting wherever they happened to be to give birth? Well, it turns out there's something to it: Squatting actually speeds labor because it increases the pelvic opening, providing more room for baby to descend. Don't worry — this isn't to suggest that you take to the fields when those contractions start coming. But start working squats into your workout routine now so you'll be a stronger squatter when the time comes — in the hospital or birthing center, that is.Your Baby at Week 35
At a Glance
35 weeks pregnant is how many months?
How big is my baby at 35 weeks?
Fetal weight gain
Baby's skull remains soft
Your Body at Week 35
Cheat sheet
Frequent urination and urinary incontinence
Finding a doula
Pregnancy Symptoms Week 35
Tips for You This Week
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