Here’s a fun fact: At 7 weeks pregnant, your embryo is now 10,000 times bigger than it was when it first started forming in your uterus! Your baby is growing rapidly and generating new brain cells at a rate of 100 per minute.

As you head into the second half of your first trimester, it's common to experience symptoms like morning sickness, tender breasts and food aversions.

Your Baby at Week 7

At a Glance

Baby's lifeline
Baby's lifeline
Umbilical cord, welcome to the womb! This tube joins baby and placenta, delivering oxygen and nutrients and even eliminating waste into your bloodstream.
The mucus plug develops
The mucus plug develops
Your mucus plug debuts at the week’s close, settling into the opening of your cervix. This natural cork seals and protects your womb from bacteria.
Webbed hands and feet
Webbed hands and feet
Your baby-to-be has developed web-like hand and feet stubs. Soon enough, hands will grow and change to have fingers and toes, but right now, they look like little paddles.

7 weeks pregnant is how many months?

If you're 7 weeks pregnant, you're in month 2 of your pregnancy. Only 7 months left to go! Still have questions? Here's some more information on how weeks, months and trimesters are broken down in pregnancy.

How big is my baby at 7 weeks?

Your baby's approximately a quarter of an inch in length now — about the size of a blueberry. Sounds pretty tiny still? Consider this for a little perspective: Your baby is 10,000 times bigger now than she was at conception a month ago.

New brain cells form rapidly

At 7 weeks pregnant, most of that growth is concentrated in the head (the better to store all those smarts) as new brain cells are generated at the rate of 100 per minute. How's that for a budding genius?

Baby's arms and legs start developing

And talking about buds, your baby is going out on a limb this week. Her arm and leg buds begin to sprout and grow longer and stronger, dividing into hand, arm and shoulder segments and leg, knee and foot segments — though the limb buds look more like paddles than hands or feet at this early stage.

Baby's got kidneys

Also forming this week are your baby's mouth and tongue. The kidneys are in place now too, and are poised to begin their important work of waste management. Soon, your baby will start producing urine. Lucky for you, there's no need for diapers yet. 

Your Body at Week 7

pregnant woman at week 7 holding belly

Know the signs

Even if you're not telling anyone you're pregnant yet, your baby's certainly telling you. Not in so many words, but in so many pregnancy symptoms. Like that nagging pregnancy nausea that may be following you around day and night or all that excess saliva pooling in your mouth (am I drooling?).

Then there's that other early pregnancy sign you may be noticing, especially when you struggle to button your blouse over your ever-growing breasts (are these really mine?).

Keep track of the symptoms and body changes you can expect during pregnancy with the What to Expect app.

Your swollen breasts

Though your baby is the size of a blueberry, your breasts may look more like melons. Some women have grown a full cup size at 7 weeks pregnant — which might be welcome news if those boobs weren't so uncomfortably tender, tingly and achy. The culprit? Those naughty-but-necessary pregnancy hormones again, estrogen and progesterone.

Fat is also building up in your breasts and blood flow to the area is increasing. Your nipples may be sticking out a little more than usual, but they may be so sensitive and tender that they could hurt to the touch.

The areola, the dark area around the nipple, may have already gotten darker and larger — and will probably continue to grow and deepen in color in the months to come.

You may also notice little goose-bump-like spots on the areola. These bumps, called Montgomery's tubercles, are sebaceous glands that supply lubrication to the areola.

And in case you're wondering why all these changes are taking place, here's your answer: They're all essential to the important task of breastfeeding your newborn in about 33 weeks!

Coping with food aversions

If one look at a chicken breast is sending you flying out the door these days — or if the smell of Swiss cheese is making your digestive tract yodel with anguish — you're in good company. Pregnancy food aversions are not only very common, they are also quite confusing, especially when your once-favorite food suddenly leaves you cold — and feeling nauseous.

The best advice: Cater to your new tastes, by all means. Keep your meals bland and boring, find substitutes for foods you have an aversion to — think quinoa for protein if you can't stand the sight or smell of meat — and rejoice if your aversions are to foods that you're supposed to be avoiding anyway.

Pregnancy Symptoms Week 7

Frequent urination
Frequent urination
Breast tenderness and changes
Breast tenderness and changes
Food cravings and aversions
Food cravings and aversions
Heartburn and indigestion
Heartburn and indigestion
Excessive saliva
Excessive saliva

Tips for You This Week

Want to track your pregnancy weight?

You can't see a baby bump yet, but chances are, you may have gained a few pounds. While pregnancy weight gain isn’t one-size-fits-all, women with a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 tend to gain about 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. Women with higher or lower BMIs may find themselves gaining more or less.

Just keep in mind that there’s a wide range of what’s considered “normal” weight gain. 

If you want to, you can track your weight at home. And share the results with your doctor if you have any concerns.

Cramping is often normal

If you experience abdominal cramps while you’re expecting, it’s not necessarily cause for concern. 

Cramping is generally normal during the first trimester, but if it occurs with shoulder or neck pain or if it’s accompanied by contractions, dizziness or discharge, call the doctor. Also call if your abdominal pain feels like more than just cramps and is more severe.

Fruit is your friend

Not only does nature's sweetest bounty contain essential nutrients that are good for you and your baby, but fruit also plays a starring role in keeping you regular.

A good nutritional rule of thumb: When you're looking to "eat a rainbow" of fruit colors, look to the inside of the fruit as much as (if not more than) the outside.

For example, a cantaloupe might have a lighter-colored skin on the outside, but the deep orange flesh of the melon inside is packed with vitamins A and C, plus some important minerals.

Avoid the litter box

Score! You're off litter-box duty for the duration of your pregnancy. That's because cat feces can harbor a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, an infection that isn’t good for unborn babies.

You also shouldn't eat raw or undercooked meat or feed it to your cat, and you shouldn't play in or clean out a child's sandbox, which could be used as a litter box by local outdoor kitties. Ask your partner, a friend, or a relative to help out.

Don't forget vitamin D

Most of your vitamin D supply comes from the sun or fortified milk. If you don't drink the white stuff, you'll need to find your D from other sources.

That's because vitamin D is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and bones, and helps your body absorb calcium (and you already know why you need plenty of that). It can also cut your risk of gestational diabetes in the third trimester.

You can find vitamin D in many prenatal vitamins as well as from fortified milk, fortified orange juice and egg yolks.

Talk to your doctor about how much you need (600 IU daily is the standard recommendation among the expectant set, but some may need 1,000 IU or more).

How to recover from a cold

When you’re pregnant, your immune system is running in low gear — which is good for baby, but not so great for your nose and throat. 

If you feel a cold coming on, it’s usually fine to try over-the-counter remedies like saline nose drops, gargling with salt water, and a few tablespoons of honey. 

There are also some pregnancy-safe cold medications like acetaminophen and certain cough medications and antihistamines that you can take (just be sure to get the green light from your practitioner first).

Some medications that should stay on the shelf include aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen, along with decongestants and some non-steroidal decongestant nasal sprays.

If you happened to take one of these medications, it’s probably fine, but it’s a good idea to give your doctor a heads-up.

Cater to your aversions

If you can't stomach the thought of eating a chicken breast, you're not alone. Pregnancy aversions are very common.

Just do what works. Keep your choices bland and boring, find substitutes for foods you can no longer stomach — think fruit if you can't stand the sight of veggies — and rejoice if your aversions are to foods that you're supposed to be avoiding anyway (sushi, anyone?).

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  1. What to Expect When You're Expecting, 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  2., Cramping During Pregnancy: Normal or Something More?, October 2022.
  3., How Much Weight Should You Gain During Pregnancy, July 2022.
  4., Food Cravings and Aversions During Pregnancy, April 2021.
  5. National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Fetal Development, June 2021.
  6. KidsHealth From Nemours, Week 7, 2022.
  7. Society for Endocrinology, Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, September 2021.
  8. Johns Hopkins Medicine, Normal Breast Development and Changes, 2020.
  9. National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, How Milk Gets From Breast to Baby, 2009.
  10. KidsHealth From Nemours, How Can I Deal with Heartburn During Pregnancy? August 2019.
  11. American Dental Association, Chewing Gum, May 2023.
  12. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Weight Gain During Pregnancy, June 2022.
  13. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Weight Gain During Pregnancy, January 2013, reaffirmed 2023.
  14. Mayo Clinic, Pregnancy Weight Gain: What's Healthy? February 2022.
  15. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Skin Conditions During Pregnancy, July 2022.
  16. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Exercise During Pregnancy, March 2022
  17. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Morning Sickness: Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy, December 2021.
  18. UpToDate, Pica in Pregnancy, October 2023.
  19., How to Relieve Breast Pain and Sore Nipples During Pregnancy, March 2023.
  20., How Many Weeks, Months and Trimesters in a Pregnancy?, May 2022.
  21., Frequent Urination During Pregnancy, September 2022.
  22., Fatigue During Pregnancy, November 2022.
  23., Excess Saliva During Pregnancy, September 2022.
  24., Heartburn During Pregnancy, October 2022.
  25., Morning Sickness and Nausea During Pregnancy, December 2022.
  26., 18 Best Foods to Eat During Pregnancy, April 2022.
  27., Pregnancy Nutrition Chart: 32 Essential Nutrients for Pregnant Women, June 2022.
  28., Toxoplasmosis During Pregnancy, March 2023.
  29., Vitamin D During Pregnancy, November 2021.
  30., The Best Prenatal Vitamins, According to Doctors and Registered Dietitians, October 2023.
  31., Colds During Pregnancy, January 2022.

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