Congratulations on the thrilling news that you're expecting! Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, you might find yourself contemplating the perfect moment to share this joyous revelation with your nearest and dearest. With such delightful news to impart, the urge to share can be irresistible, particularly with those closest to your heart. Here are some thoughtful factors to ponder as you navigate this exciting decision-making process.

When is the best time to announce your pregnancy?

The short answer is that there's no "right" time to share this happy news. While some expecting parents start broadcasting the baby bulletin even before the urine on the pregnancy test stick has dried, others prefer to wait to announce their pregnancy until the second trimester. Ultimately, the decision is a personal one that only you and your partner can make.

What to consider when deciding when to announce your pregnancy

Trying to decide when to share the good news? No matter what, you’ll need to share it with your partner first (if you haven’t already). Get their take on the matter and together, come up with a plan. Here are a few factors you might want to take into consideration.

The risk of miscarriage goes way down once you reach your second trimester 

Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester, which is why some couples prefer to wait until after week 13 to make the announcement (many feel that it would be hard to handle the disappointment under a spotlight). But other parents-to-be feel that if they were faced with a pregnancy loss, they’d want the support of close family and friends. Again, it's ultimately your decision and what feels right for one couple may be different for another.

You may want some time to savor the excitement 

As tempting as it is to alert your family, friends and everyone who follows you on social media, waiting a few weeks or months may allow you and your partner time to savor the excitement alone. Once word gets around, people (even people you don’t know very well) will often be more than happy to share unsolicited advice, comments about your weight, tummy pats and nightmare labor stories.

On the other hand, if you’re very close with your family and friends — and especially if you’re not good at keeping secrets — it may be hard not to blurt the news out the first time you call your mom, sister or best friend. Besides, you can always swear them to secrecy. Just be sure to say, in no uncertain terms, that this info is classified until you give the green light.

You’ll get more confirmation of your pregnancy after your first prenatal appointment 

If you’re nervous about revealing the news, you might be feel more comfortable sharing your pregnancy status after you visit your practitioner. At your first prenatal appointment, you’ll take a urine test and receive bloodwork to check your pregnancy hormone levels, even if you already got a positive pregnancy result from at-home test.

You may also get a prenatal ultrasound at this time (some practitioners perform it between weeks 6 and 9, though others hold off until the second trimester), which will help confirm your due date. For some women, a pregnancy confirmation from a doctor — and that first ultrasound image — can make things seem that much more real. 

You may need an accommodation at work

You might decide to tell your employer earlier in your pregnancy depending on your job. For example, you may need to request a workplace accommodation — such as if you won't be able to lift certain weights or be exposed to certain chemicals — or simply explain to your boss why you’ve been running to the restroom every few minutes. Sometimes, pregnancy symptoms can make the announcement for you — even if that’s sooner than you hoped.

Listen to the What to Expect Podcast for more about when and how to spill the beans about your pregnancy:

Heidi Murkoff