Wave bye-bye! That’s just one of the many tricks your toddler may be able to do now that she’s 14 months old. 

Credit her ever-improving language skills — both the expressive kind (words that are spoken) and receptive kind (words that are understood), which grow by leaps and bounds early in the second year. 

She may also surprise you by following simple directions — like “Go get your shoes” or “Don’t touch that.” Just don’t expect your little one to be too compliant. This is a big month for toddler independence, and if you haven’t noticed by now, your toddler has a mind of her own!

Here’s what else is coming up for your 14-month-old.

Your 14-month-old child’s development

At a Glance

Sleeping basics
Sleeping basics
Toddlers need about 11 to 14 hours of sleep a day, including naps. At this age, most take two daily naps that should generally last around one to two hours each.
Feeding basics
Feeding basics
It’s not too early to introduce a utensil to your toddler, if you haven’t already. At 14 months, your little one will have more success with a spoon, which is easier to wield than a fork.
Did you know?
Did you know?
Break out the chunky crayons: Since your toddler has likely mastered the pincer grasp, she may also be ready to start scribbling.

Your toddler might have about three to five words in her vocabulary. Communicating is a pretty effective way for your child to demonstrate her newfound identity and flex her ever-strengthening independence muscle.

Speaking of independence, this is a good time to think about setting (a few) limits for your child and laying the groundwork for a united front when it comes to discipline. You and your partner, if you have one, need to be on the same page about what’s allowed and what the consequences should be when your toddler acts out. 

While your tot understands the word “no,” however, she likely won’t start saying it herself until around 18 months, and there are some tactics that won’t work on a child this age. Remember, she’s still very young, so it’s too soon for time-outs (she won’t understand … and she won’t stay put) and spanking is never an effective discipline tactic.

Other typical behavior these days includes the urge to make messes and empty things from, well, just about anywhere: cupboards, wastebaskets, drawers, toy bins — any receptacle is fair game. Dropping things is another favorite toddler pastime as your 14-month-old delights in experimentation and watching you pick up the pieces.

Your little one may also be able to follow a one-step verbal command (i.e. “Go get the ball”) and maybe even stack a couple of blocks.

In other news, keep an eye out for these normal and temporary conditions: bowlegs, flat feet and toeing out (i.e. walking like a duck). All three should disappear as your tot’s legs and feet develop and balance improves. 

Lastly, playtime is crucial for building both motor skills and social ones, as well as self-esteem, so provide plenty of opportunity and space for fun, for both you and your toddler.

Your 14-month-old child’s growth

It’s hard to believe that, once upon a time, your child could fit snugly in one arm. Now, you probably have to scoop your toddler up in two arms — if you can get her to stand still, that is. 

At 14 months, boys weigh about 20 to 28 pounds and measure about 29 to 33 inches tall. Girls weigh 16 to 27 pounds, and measure around 28 to 32½ inches tall, though, as always, there’s a range.

Remember, too, that growth slows down during the second year. Appetite slumps are also normal, as your independent toddler now wants to decide when (and what) she will eat. One day, your tot may eat nonstop — the next, close to nothing. Your child’s appetite may also speed up when she’s going through a growth spurt or slow down when she’s sick or teething

Instead of micromanaging mealtimes — which will just lead to frustration for both you and your toddler — offer up small, healthy portions at regular intervals. Then, let your child decide if she wants to eat it or not.

Not only will this save your sanity, but it’ll also teach your toddler to eat when she’s hungry and stop when she’s full. And that’s a lesson your little one will carry into adulthood too.

Your 14-month-old child’s health & care

Toddlers at this age are on the move (or soon will be), which can lead to their fair share of bumps and bruises. Here’s more on what to expect on the health front from your 14-month-old.

Mouth injuries
Mouth injuries
Children’s medication safety
Children’s medication safety
Toddler nail care
Toddler nail care
Treating head injuries
Treating head injuries
Toddler coughs
Toddler coughs

Toddler tips & info

Toddler mouthing

Your toddler is no longer a baby — so why is she still putting everything into her mouth? Truth is, the mouthing habit can linger long after a child’s first birthday. 

You can expect this urge to fade by age 3, but in the meantime, you’ll need to make sure that whatever your toddler sticks into her mouth is safe.

Most objects around the house — even dust bunnies and old Cheerios — are usually okay, but you’ll want to lock away any toxic substances like cleaning supplies and put a toddler-proof lid on the garbage can.

When you catch your child mouthing something she shouldn’t, firmly tell her to spit it out. If she doesn’t listen to you, remove it from her mouth yourself.

Weaning from the bottle

In a perfect world, babies would willingly give up their bottle at 12 months and go straight to a sippy cup (or even better, an open cup). 

In the real world, however, that doesn’t always happen — which is one reason why so many children continue to drink from a bottle past the recommended 12 months of age.

Most toddlers prefer to wean from the bottle gradually, so your best bet may be to phase out one feeding session at a time, starting with the morning or midday bottles. 

Try putting less breast milk or cow’s milk (toddlers over the age of 1 no longer should drink formula) in each bottle, and then top off each feeding with a sippy or open training cup, offering plenty of praise for your tot’s efforts. Then wait a few days or a week to drop the next bottle.

In the meantime, try to be patient — bottle weaning can take weeks or even months, so hang in there!

Refusing to play on the playground

To a toddler, slides and swings may look more looming than appealing. She’s not entirely wrong, either — plenty of injuries happen on the playground. Plus, some tots are simply more cautious than others (which means less stress for you).

If you want to encourage your little one to be a little more daring, try asking her if she wants to use the equipment with you — by sitting on your lap as you sit on the swing, for example, or letting her explore underneath the slide. 

Try not to push or hover, though. Even the most risk-averse toddlers will conquer their fears — in their own time, that is. For now, enjoy it while it lasts.

Washing your toddler’s hair

Nothing ruins bathtime for a toddler quite like getting a surprise shampoo. To minimize the sudsing struggles, use a one-step conditioning shampoo instead of two separate products, and opt for a foaming shampoo with fun appeal.

Using a handheld spray nozzle can help control the rinse, since it minimizes the odds of getting water in your little one’s eyes. If you don’t have one, you can use your child’s toy watering can or another cup — just keep a spare one nearby in case she decides she wants to play with it.

If your toddler is still resisting a hair-rinsing, position a child-friendly mirror in the bathtub so she can watch you make a “suds sculpture” on her hair.

Head off food flinging

Does it seem like your child is more interested in throwing food than eating it? At this age, it’s hard for toddlers to control their impulse to experiment with what’s in front of them. (“Does the spaghetti stick to the wall or bounce off it?”) 

In fact, it isn’t until toddlers are about 18 to 24 months old that they start complying with the rules — and even then, only selectively so.

You can make it harder for your child to toss her bowl on the floor by using one that has a suction cup on the bottom. At mealtimes, only serve a few bites’ worth of food at a time. The less food there is on the plate, the less tempting it may be to play with.

Win the diaper-changing war

Your toddler has better things to do than lie still for a diaper change — and you have better things to do than wrestle a squirming child onto the changing table every few hours.

To head off the diaper revolt, stash everything you need — wipes, diapers, lotion — where you can easily reach it. The quicker you can be, the less time you’ll give your tot to rebel. You can also distract her with a few special toys that you only pull out for diaper changes.

If your child is already walking, she may be loath to lie on her back. If that’s the case, try changing her diaper while she’s standing on the floor — just put a towel or other washable surface, like a travel changing mat, beneath her.

If nothing seems to be working, you may have to recruit an ally, who can help restrain the kicking and squirming while you calmly make the change. Yelling or threatening will just prolong the battle.

Should you give your toddler almond milk?

Almond milk is a popular alternative milk for adults, but it’s not the best choice for children. The reason: Compared to dairy milk, almond milk — which, like its name suggests, is made from almonds — doesn’t contain as many important nutrients for toddlers. 

One cup of whole cow’s milk, for example, contains about 146 calories and 8 grams of protein, whereas almond milk contains only 37 calories and about 1  gram of protein. Whole cow’s milk also is packed with 300 milligrams of calcium and 366 milligrams of potassium compared to almond milk’s 449 milligrams and 163 milligrams, respectively.

If your toddler is allergic to milk or is lactose intolerant, or if your family doesn’t consume animal products, she can drink fortified, unsweetened soy milk (the only type of plant milk that’s recognized as a nutritionally adequate substitute) instead, if your pediatrician gives you the thumbs-up.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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