Break out the smocks and crank up the tunes — it’s time to up the creativity quotient in your house. Encourage explorations in music and arts and crafts — plus, of course, imagination — by letting freedom (and messes) reign.
Remember, though, to praise the process — “I love those squiggly lines you’re painting!” — as well as the finished product. You can also pull up a chair and doodle alongside her. Mirroring her marks (even if they don’t look like much just yet) can boost her self-confidence and show her that you’re paying attention to her.
Here’s what else you can expect from your 28-month-old. Is your formerly lovable toddler suddenly resisting affection? Not to worry. She still loves you, but spurning your smooches is likely one way of declaring her separateness and independence — or simply letting you know that she has more interesting things to do. Don’t take it personally or subject your tot to scolding or guilt trips — just grab a kiss or cuddle when you can, and know that her affectionate side will likely return soon enough. More typical toddler behavior: spontaneous disrobing. Adorable, yes. Appropriate? Not always. Blame her newfound dressing (and undressing) skills, as well as her eagerness to get a real reaction out of you — and any other spectators in the audience. This birthday-suit business is only temporary, so indulge her bare butt when you can — and explain gently but firmly that there are times when taking it all off is not okay. Your toddler’s growth has probably been pretty consistent this year. By 28 months, most boys weigh about 24½ to 35 pounds and stand 33¼ to 38 inches tall. Meanwhile, most girls weigh about 23½ to 34 pounds and measure 32¾ to 37½ inches tall. Given her on-the-go lifestyle (balls to throw, pots to bang, water to pour), you may find that your little one’s eating schedule has been a little erratic. Most 2-year-olds need about three meals and two to three healthy snacks a day. Offering food on a regular schedule, as opposed to “on demand,” will let your toddler figure out that she’ll be eating again very soon — no round-the-clock snacks necessary. Of course, just because you give her food at the same time every day doesn’t mean that she’ll feel like eating it. One day, she may scarf down a double portion of breakfast, while the next she’ll turn up her nose at any breakfast at all. That’s perfectly normal. Remember: Your job is to offer the food — it’s hers to decide if she wants to eat it. You can’t ward off every cold bug your child encounters, but there are ways to help speed up her recovery and make her feel more comfortable in the meantime. Toddlers aren’t particularly good at sharing — and that goes for sharing your attention too. For 2-year-olds, everything is about “me, me, me.” It’ll take a few more years before she starts to grasp the concept of empathy, but there are certain things you can do to teach her how to wait her turn When you need to make a call, give her a toy phone of her own. This way, you can both talk on the phone at the same time. Giving her some physical contact, like a hug or an arm tickle, may also help her feel connected to you. In the rare instances your child does let you finish your phone call without interrupting, make sure she knows how happy you are about it: “Thank you for letting me talk to Aunt Michelle.” Want to expand your toddler’s food preferences beyond chicken nuggets and mac n’ cheese? Try serving up fish. Not only is seafood low in saturated fat, but it’s also high in protein, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that children eat a variety of fish once or twice a week. Keep in mind though, that a typical serving size for a 2-year-old is pretty small — only 1 ounce. Good options include crab, cod, lobster and salmon. And remember to be persistent! Your tot may well not like it the first time — or even the eighth! It often takes up to 15 tries over time of a new food before your child will eat it, and fish can have a stronger taste and more unusual consistency than she’s used to. Does your child cling to your leg at every party or playgroup? Plenty of toddlers do — so you’re in good company. At this age, it’s too early to tell whether your bashful little sweetie pie is naturally shy or simply needs a little more practice in group settings (after all, toddlers only have limited experience being in social situations). Try not to label her “shy” just yet, though. Though there’s nothing wrong with winding up shy later in life, it’s too soon to know whether she will be or won’t be, since so many kids her age (and beyond) act shy at least some of the time. Plus, labels can become self-fulfilling prophecies. Instead, arrange some one-on-one playdates as opposed to larger, group dates. On the way to the events, let her know what to expect — games, activities and a playmate. If, by the age of 3, she’s still too shy to leave your side, bring it up to your doctor, who may have some ideas about how to draw her out of her shell. Stuffed animals, blocks, cars, puzzles … who knew that someone so little could accumulate so much stuff? To cut down on the clutter (and chaos), consider designing a kids’ playroom or play area that belongs entirely to your toddler. If she loves crafts, set up an activity corner with a table and chairs plus bins to hold crayons and coloring books. Want to raise a reader? Set up a cozy corner “library” with a few throw pillows and a kids-sized book bin or easy-access bookshelf. Your toddler has likely been walking for more than a year by now — so why is she still unsteady on her feet? Truth is, 2-year-olds are still fairly uncoordinated, thanks, partly, to their difficulty judging distances, and partly because they’re usually so focused on the object or person they’re trying to reach that they don’t always remember to pay attention to their footwork. Whoops! Your toddler should be less wobbly by the age of 3, but until then, try to remove most of the obstacles from her path. Pad any sharp corners on the furniture, cordon off the fireplace ledge, and get rid of any electrical cords within your tot’s grasp (or tape them down so they can’t be pulled out). Lastly, make sure she’s wearing slip-proof socks or shoes in the house, or goes barefoot whenever possible. The right clothes can give anyone a confidence boost — and the same goes for a toddler who’s learning to use the toilet Keeping your child in loose, easy-to-remove clothing can make the potty training process much smoother. Just imagine trying to take off a superhero costume or princess dress every time you needed to use the bathroom. For now, skip the bottoms with buttons, belts and other fasteners. Even if she knows how to manipulate them, it can be hard to work a button and try to sit on the potty at the same time. The best clothing for now are pants with stretchy waistbands, like sweatpants, or dresses that are easy to pull up and down. Same goes for underwear: Look for 100 percent cotton undies that aren’t too tight around the waist. Does your child call herself by her first name instead of saying “I”? That’s common at this age. In fact, many toddlers don’t understand the concept of “I” or “me” until they’re closer to the age of 3. To help your child learn this language lesson, choose some preschool-age books that are designed to clarify the concept, and start using more pronouns throughout the day. Think: “I’m going to go make dinner” instead of “Mommy is going to make dinner.”Your 28-month-old child’s development
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Your 28-month-old child’s growth
Your 28-month-old child’s health & care
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