Modern Kitchen Sink Trends: Embracing 27-Inch Stylish Options


Hunting for a new kitchen sink? All the sizes, materials, and color options can seem daunting. 

The best place to start is choosing the right size

How do you choose a sink that’s big enough to accommodate a full load of dishes without taking up all your counter space?

Why a 27-Inch Kitchen Sink?

Most interior designers recommend sinks that are at least 22-27 inches across. 

And almost all of them recommend you get the biggest sink you can comfortably fit. 

So unless your kitchen is really cramped, 27 inches is likely the best size for your kitchen. 

It’s big enough for prepping food and washing dishes, while leaving plenty of counter space. 

Let’s take a look at some top picks for your 27-inch kitchen sink.

Top Trends in 27-Inch Kitchen Sinks

27-inch sinks come in many of the same great design trends as larger basins. Which trends are the best fit for a useful and stylish 27-inch basin?

The Best Type: Workstation Sinks

Some people like double-basin sinks for their versatility so they can prep on one side and set up a drying rack on the other.

But a 27-inch sink doesn’t lend itself well to a double-basin design. Carving up this just-right basin size can make each side frustrating to use.

A workstation sink  gives you the versatility of a double basin design without dividing your sink. 

Workstation sinks come with attachments like cutting boards, colanders, and drying racks that fit right into the basin. Your sink can do double or triple duty while maximizing counter space.

The Best Installation method: Undermount Sinks

Undermount basins are the most versatile and easiest to use sinks available today. 

Here are 4 reasons we love undermounts: 

  1. Because the sink is flush with the counter, you can sweep crumbs or spills directly into the basin. This makes cleaning up much easier. 
  2. There’s no lip where crumbs and water gets stuck, so you get less mildew buildup and your kitchen stays fresh. 
  3. They can work with almost any faucet, because the faucet is installed on the counter. Most top mounted sinks come with a set number of holes, which means only certain faucets are compatible. 
  4. Your counters look sleek (thanks to the hidden lip – which works great for most modern kitchens).

The Best Material: Stainless Steel Sinks

Stainless steel has been one of the most popular materials for kitchen sinks for a long time.

While there are many newer materials, stainless continues to offer the most bang for your buck. 

Stainless steel sinks are durable, resistant to corrosion, and don’t need extra care to keep looking beautiful. Steel sinks are lighter than most other materials and that makes them easier to install. They’re also one of the most affordable kitchen basin materials.

Today’s stainless steel comes in a variety of eye-catching colors like black and rose gold so you can make a statement with your 27-inch kitchen sink!

Enjoy Functional Beauty with a Stylish 27-Inch Sink

So you see, the right sink makes your kitchen more efficient and comfortable. Because counter space is limited in most apartments or smaller homes, a 27 inch offers the perfect balance.

And if you’re upgrading your older kitchen, a new 27 inch undermount can help you reclaim counter space and add style to your workspace.

Today’s materials, designs, and color options can give you a sleek, magazine-worthy kitchen sink that’s practical and will stand up to years of hard use.

Start your search with a selection of 27-inch kitchen sinks to find the perfect fit for your kitchen sink!


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