If your baby seems like he’s on a mission of seek and destroy, you’re not imagining things.

Most babies this age are preoccupied with getting into things they shouldn’t be getting into and getting out of things they shouldn’t be getting out of.

Crawling, standing up, cruising and even walking may be on your baby's agenda this month. And don't be surprised if separation anxiety starts full-force in your 10-month-old too.

Here’s what else you can expect in month 10.

Your 10-month-old baby's development

At a Glance

Sleeping basics
Sleeping basics
At this age, babies typically sleep about 11 hours at night (many straight through) and take two daily naps that add up to three to four hours.
Feeding basics
Feeding basics
Baby should eat ¼ to ½ cup each of grains, fruit and veggies, ¼ to ½ cup of dairy foods, and ¼ to ½ cup of protein foods two to three times a day. You can still offer 24 to 30 ounces a day of breast milk or formula too.
Did you know?
Did you know?
Your baby may start exhibiting some pretty strange behaviors around now, including head banging, rocking, rolling, teeth grinding and hair pulling. They're often triggered by stressful situations, like overstimulation or a change in routine.

Great physical advances mean there’s no surface too high or cabinet too deep to deter your 10-month-old.

Your baby’s desire for discovery — and perhaps his ability to crawl, cruise or even walk unassisted — can lead to some serious exploration. So be sure to keep a watchful eye on your little daredevil.

Other developmental milestones you may see your baby reach this month include waving bye-bye, playing patty-cake and blowing kisses.

Along with new skills and burgeoning independence comes a whole new attitude: I want to be in charge of me!

Don't be surprised if this shift results in some major meltdowns, especially during transition times — like when you walk in the door from work or when it’s bedtime.

Babies this age may also suddenly start to show signs of separation anxiety. When just a few months ago, they weren't fazed by you leaving the room, now they may get upset and cry if you walk away or try to leave them with someone else. Don't worry. It's a totally normal part of their development.

Your 10-month-old baby's growth

With so much ground to cover, your energizer bunny is probably more interested in exploring than eating (or anything else) these days.

But don’t worry if your formerly voracious eater suddenly turns up his nose at lunch or starts taking in less breast milk and formula. As his growth (finally) starts to slow, his appetite will decrease too.

He may also become more of a choosy and picky customer when it comes to food, but that’s just his way of asserting independence in the high chair.

Remember, there are plenty of tactics to tempt picky eaters, so try them all, but most importantly, muster as much patience as you can and keep offering healthy fare. He’ll likely cave eventually.

On the feeding horizon, too, will be starting the process of weaning your little one from the bottle if he takes one. Experts agree that weaning from the bottle by around 12 months — or as soon as possible after the first birthday (and by 18 months at the latest unless otherwise advised by the pediatrician) — is best for your baby.

That's not only because it’s easier to wean a fairly flexible 1-year-old compared to a strong-willed 2- or 3-year-old, but also because continued bottle usage isn’t healthy for baby’s teeth (falling asleep with the bottle or sucking on it for much of the day allows liquids to bathe teeth in sugar, with cavities the potential result).

What’s more, tots who are bottle drinkers often end up drinking more juice or milk than they should, filling up on too many liquids and taking in too few solids and important nutrients.

And finally, a 1-year-old who’s constantly toting and sipping from a bottle has only one hand free for playing and exploring — and a mouth too full to speak out of. So if your baby hasn’t started on a cup yet, it’s definitely time to make the introduction.

Your 10-month-old baby's health

There are no well-visits this month, but you still may have to take your cutie to the doctor's office if he gets sick or hurt.

Don't forget to childproof!
Don't forget to childproof!
Antibiotics 101
Antibiotics 101
Protect baby from sunburn
Protect baby from sunburn
Lyme disease in babies
Lyme disease in babies
Preventing waterborne illness
Preventing waterborne illness

Postpartum & baby tips

Avoid car seat toys for safer driving

The last thing you need as a driver is a distraction — a fussy baby or whiny tot while you're behind the wheel. So it's understandable that you'd be tempted to attach toys to your child's car seat during road trips.

However, even though federal car seat safety guidelines avoid mentioning car seat toys, any accessories or other products that don't come with the seat are not safe to use while the vehicle is in motion. (So in other words, they're okay to attach when the seat is on the floor in your house or in a stroller. But you should steer clear of using them when you're driving.)

As frustrating as that may sound, your best bet is to travel with someone else in the back seat to entertain your baby and/or plan for fairly frequent stops so that you can tend to your child during the trip. You can also offer soft, small, baby-safe toys that don't attach to the seat. That way, you'll be able to keep your little one calm and safe when you're on the road.

Introduce a cup

If you haven't already, try introducing your baby to a cup this month. The keys to success, whether you’re switching from bottle, breast or both, are practice, patience and making it fun.

Letting your little one pick out his cup will make it feel special and give him a sense of independence and control. Show him two at a time (maybe one with handles and the other with a straw), and allow him to choose (or point to) his favorite. 

And don't underestimate the power of whimsical characters or magical gimmicks, like cups that change colors.

Say "no" to biting

Now that he has more teeth, has your 10-month-old started to bite? Making a big deal out of a bite, by crying out in pain or sternly scolding him, may only encourage him to try again to see what you'll do next. 

The best response: a firm, no-nonsense, low-drama reminder of the rule ("no biting") while you take him (and his choppers) away from the target. Then, offer him something appropriate he can bite on — a teething toy, pacifier or chilled washcloth — and tell him it's okay to sink his pearly whites into that instead.

Praising baby

You probably do it dozens of times a day: Give your baby a cheer, a round of applause or a "You did it!" after he successfully reaches a toy or claps his hands.

And while it may seem a bit much to be bursting with pride over such small accomplishments, it's really not. His new tricks are new to you, even if babies have been performing them since the dawn of time. And it's your praise that builds his self-esteem, makes him want to try again and again, and helps him begin to believe in himself.

So provide plenty of opportunities for him to earn your words of praise. Give him age-appropriate toys that he can succeed with. If he's working on grasping and reaching, put squeezable objects just far enough away that he needs to make an effort to get them.

Then sit back and let him try — don't offer help unless he starts to get too frustrated. Acclaim that he actually earns is much more valuable than an empty "good job" from you. And specific words of encouragement mean more than general ones.

Commend him for his efforts ("You are really working to get that ball!") and his performance ("You fit the yellow peg in the hole!"). Getting detailed about his accomplishments lets him know that you are really paying attention — and what baby doesn't love being the center of attention?

Is baby distracted?

Besides having more brain cells, your baby's brain is wired differently at birth than an adult’s, which makes it harder for him to screen out stimulation.

While you automatically tune out most of the background “static” as you go about finishing your task — the dog barking next door, the coworker on the phone in the next cubicle, or even the way the carpet feels under your feet — your baby doesn't yet have that ability.

That’s why little ones are constantly distracted by their surroundings — they're so busy taking everything in that it's hard for them to focus. They can also become overstimulated pretty quickly, which can lead to crankiness and crying.

If you want your baby to concentrate on the task at hand — like nursing or eating — take him to a quiet, dimly lit place.

Should you get a pet?

If you're considering getting a family pet, this may add to your case: They're good for everyone's health!

Experts say that children who grow up with pets are less likely to develop common allergies thanks to early exposure to certain germs, dirt and allergens. (Of course, some children are genuinely allergic to animals — so check on that before you take the plunge.)

And some research shows that pet owners tend to get sick less often — in fact, one study determined that children who lived with dogs were generally healthier during their first year of life, with fewer respiratory problems and less-frequent ear infections than kids without canines.

Another pro to pets? Brushing, patting or stroking a furry creature can lower stress levels — and that’s just as true for parents as it is for kids.

Best books for babies

If your baby doesn't have the patience to sit and look at books now, don't worry. He'll still enjoy playing with them — and in the process learn that pages turn.

So get sturdy board or cloth books that can withstand a lot of baby-handling, and let him chew, toss and mouth to his heart's content. Pretty soon, he may sit still long enough to look at a picture or two with you.

The books that are best for babies have simple pictures of everyday objects, usually one to a page, that are bold and bright enough to capture his attention, even if it's just for a minute or two.

Just don't force it — you want him to love books as much as any other toy, not burn out on them by the time he's a toddler.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  1. What to Expect the First Year, 3rd edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  2. WhatToExpect.com, When Do Babies Start Crawling?, June 2021.
  3. WhatToExpect.com, When Do Babies Start Walking?, August 2021.
  4. WhatToExpect.com, When Do Babies Stand Up?, October 2021.
  5. WhatToExpect.com, Separation Anxiety in Babies, September 2021.
  6. WhatToExpect.com, When Do Babies Start Talking?, July 2021.
  7. WhatToExpect.com, When Do Babies Start Clapping, Waving and Pointing?, September 2021.
  8. WhatToExpect.com, How to Introduce a Sippy Cup, February 2021.
  9. WhatToExpect.com, How to Wean Your Baby off the Bottle, March 2021.
  10. WhatToExpect.comPreventing Waterborne Illness in Babies and Toddlers, June 2022.
  11. WhatToExpect.com, How to Babyproof Every Room in the House, August 2022.
  12. WhatToExpect.comAre Antibiotics Safe for Babies and Toddlers?, June 2022.
  13. WhatToExpect.comLyme Disease in Babies and Toddlers, October 2021.
  14. WhatToExpect.com, Sunburn in Babies, January 2023.
  15. WhatToExpect.comThe Flu (Influenza Virus) in Babies and Toddlers, September 2022.
  16. WhatToExpect.comHow Much Should My Baby Eat?, January 2023.
  17. WhatToExpect.comHere's How Much Sleep Babies Need, May 2022.
  18. WhatToExpect.com, How to Banish Baby Biting, November 2021.
  19. WhatToExpect.com, The Benefits of Pets for Kids, April 2019.
  20. American Academy of Pediatrics, Movement: 8 to 12 Months, April 2021.
  21. American Academy of Pediatrics, Emotional and Social Development: 8 to 12 Months, August 2009.
  22. American Academy of Pediatrics, Language Development: 8 to 12 Months, August 2009.
  23. American Academy of Pediatrics, Discontinuing the Bottle, December 2011.
  24. American Academy of Pediatrics, Common Childhood Habits, November 2015.
  25. Mayo Clinic, Solid Foods: How to Get Your Baby Started, October 2021.
  26. Cleveland Clinic, Heading Banging and Body Rocking, August 2020.
  27. American Academy of Pediatrics, Sample Menu for a Baby 8 to 12 Months Old, August 2022.
  28. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Boys Growth Chart, November 2009.
  29. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Girls Growth Chart, November 2009.

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