Best Fertility Trackers

reviewed mark Medically Reviewed by Jennifer Wu, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.  | January 12, 2024
Best Fertility Trackers

Some women can track their fertile window with relative ease by analyzing things like changes in the consistency of cervical mucus or by charting their basal body temperature. But for those who are struggling to get pregnant, these methods may feel fruitless, making trying to conceive feel like one of the world’s biggest unsolved mysteries.

Thankfully, there’s an emerging market of more sophisticated ovulation prediction devices that can help provide clues that bring you closer to solving said mystery and finally getting that big fat positive (BFP).

Types of fertility trackers

There are a variety of different types of fertility monitors on the market today. As Brian A Levine, M.D., an attending physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, explains: Some apps use the counting method where you manually input the number of days in your cycle and then it uses an algorithm to estimate when you are ovulating. Some use thermometers and other biometric measurements to detect a hormonal surge that precedes an ovulation. And some newer apps/devices actually measure the hormones in your saliva or urine to detect the hormonal changes that naturally occur during a cycle.

Here’s a closer look:

  • Wearable fertility monitors: These devices sit against your skin — typically overnight — to monitor things like your basal body temperature and your heart rate. Most of these devices sync with your smartphone to store the data. Over time, they can detect trends to help you pinpoint ovulation.
  • Digital fertility monitors: These standalone devices typically include sticks that you urinate on, then plug into the machine so that it can measure hormone output. Typically, there’s a screen that displays digital results, but sometimes they sync to your phone and deliver the results that way.
  • Thermometers: Though these devices don’t measure more than your basal body temperature, there is a new crop of smart thermometers you can use to more easily keep track of the results and identify trends that point to ovulation.
  • Wands: These sticks look and function like pregnancy tests — you simply urinate on them and the test measures for high levels of luteinizing hormone to predict when you’re ovulating. There’s no smart functionality here, but it’s a relatively affordable and basic, yet effective option.

How to choose the right fertility tracker for you

Experts say fertility trackers are a great at-home option for women trying to conceive. “Fertility awareness is important, and apps and tools are a positive thing,” says Dr. Levine. “But remember: They’re just guides. The best assessment is seeing a fertility doctor and having an ultrasound and blood work.”

But if you could benefit from that guidance, here’s what you should think about before hitting purchase:

  • Cost: Many fertility trackers cost upwards of $100 — and often more. Though you may be willing to get pregnant at any cost, these devices are a true investment, so make sure you choose wisely. Don’t just spring for the most expensive one, assuming it’s superior. The right fertility tracker for you is one that fits your personal needs (outlined below).
  • Your cycle: If you have a pretty standard 28-day cycle, you probably don’t need anything too fancy. It might be worth trying one of the more basic options — like wands — before opting for more complex monitors. Conversely, if you have a cycle that’s difficult to predict — maybe you have a condition like PCOS — you may want to go straight for one of the more sophisticated models.
  • Lifestyle: Do you work nights or frequently dash out of bed to tend to a toddler? Basal body thermometers and wearables come with specific instructions that involve nighttime use and capturing statistics before getting out of bed. Think about whether or not this would be practical for you.
  • How long you’ve been TTC: If you just started your journey to parenthood, you might consider trying something more basic and inexpensive first — like wands or one of the more affordable wearables. But if you’ve been TTC for years, a sophisticated monitor that may be able to provide more clues is probably worth the investment.

How we made our picks for the best fertility trackers

To zero in on the best fertility trackers, we used the above guidelines and cross-referenced them against the fertility monitors that members of the What to Expect community, as well as our editors, have tried and loved. Here, the best devices available today.

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Best Wearable Fertility Tracker

Ava Fertility Tracker

Best Fertility Trackers - Ava Fertility Tracker
Buying Options
  • Easy to use
  • only need to wear for four hours
  • 1-year pregnancy guarantee
  • Expensive
  • has an obtrusive green light
Why We
Love it
Why We Love It

The Ava bracelet is quite possibly the most popular choice among women TTC, thanks to a steady stream of celebrity endorsements. Although that’s not always the best gauge, these influencers seem to be onto something. The bracelet is comfortable, easy to use and measures a wide range of useful information, including skin temperature, sleep, physiological stress level and resting pulse rate. You simply wear the bracelet overnight for a minimum of four hours (great for nursing moms who may not get a larger window of uninterrupted sleep!), then sync the bracelet with the compatible smartphone app first thing in the morning. After syncing, all of your data appears in the app, where the algorithm will begin to detect trends to help you predict your fertile window. If the price seems hefty, you might find comfort in the fact that the Ava Plus Bundle comes with a 12-month pregnancy guarantee. If you wear the Ava bracelet continuously for at least one year and don’t conceive within that time frame, you’re entitled to a full refund.

Community Reviews
  • I conceived my daughter and son, who is on the way, with Ava. I definitely recommend it. It is so much easier to use than charting bbt with an app or physically on paper."

  • This is my third cycle using it. It now has my cycle figured out as it seems to be in sync with when I've been thinking I O. I like that I can chart without having to wake up at the exact same time every single day to temp. And, the heart rate info is really interesting to me and definitely how I knew last month I was out before my BBT started to dip. It's definitely pricey, but for the convience of it I think it's worth it. And, I agree that the customer service is great, and there have been lots of BFPs in the FB group I'm in too, it's probably the same one!

Best Vaginal Fertility Tracker

OvuCore Fertility Monitor

Best Fertility Trackers - OvuCore Fertility Monitor
Buying Options
  • Easy to use
  • provides an 8-day window
  • Subscription-based model
  • must be inserted
Why We
Love it
Why We Love It

Like a wearable, but a little more intimate, you insert the OvuCore Fertility Monitor into your vagina before bed and take it out upon waking. While you sleep, it continually measures your core body temperature. In the morning, you download the data to the compatible smartphone app to help predict ovulation. According to the manufacturer, the device can predict ovulation up to 24 hours in advance, plus help you pinpoint an eight-day fertile window.

It’s worth noting that although this is considered one of the more accurate ways to predict ovulation, you’ll pay the price for it. Depending on which starter pack you choose, the subscription-based product comes different perks, including free months, fertility nurse consultations and more. To add another 12 months to your subscription, you’ll have to spend an additional $150.

Community Reviews
  • I love OvuSense! I’ve been using it since November to understand if I am ovulating while not trying. However I got pregnant in March (not trying) and OvuSense definitely was correct and showed my temps rising which made me take a test.

Best Fertility Tracker for Irregular Cycles

Mira Fertility Plus

Best Fertility Trackers - Mira Fertility Plus Starter Kit
Buying Options
  • Tracks multiple hormone levels
  • 90-day money back guarantee
  • comprehensive kit
  • Takes 16 minutes to read
  • wands are expensive
Why We
Love it
Why We Love It

This digital fertility monitor is — dare we say — pretty cute. The circular device fits in the palm of your hand and has a very easy to read digital display. It also comes with everything you need to get started, including the estrogen and LH testing wands. (The company also has forthcoming progesterone wands, which will offer an even broader look at your fertility window.) You simply pee on a wand each morning, then insert it into the monitor. It’s that easy. If there’s any downside, it’s that the reading takes 16 minutes to complete — still, women say this is a small inconvenience when you consider the alternative: getting your blood drawn and waiting for those results.

Community Reviews
  • I use the Mira. Back in June I got pregnant with it. Got high LH on June 8th & we BD. Got a positive test on June 18th but it ended in miscarriage. but it works!!!!!! I recommend it.

Best Fertility-Tracking Thermometer

Daysy Fertility Monitor

Best Fertility Trackers - Daysy Fertility Tracker
Buying Options
  • Extremely easy to use
  • Expensive but basic
Why We
Love it
Why We Love It

Though Daysy isn’t quite as comprehensive, since it doesn’t measure various hormones, it’s a great solution for women with relatively standard cycles who are just starting out on their journey to conceive. The device is essentially just a smarter basal body thermometer. In addition to logging menstrual days in the compatible app, you simply measure your BBT by placing the thermometer under your tongue for 60 seconds right after you wake up. The app will then chart your temperature and analyze your daily information to display your fertility status in easy to understand colors: red for potentially fertile, red flashing for predicted ovulation day, green for not fertile, yellow for a cycle fluctuation and red/green/yellow flashing to indicate you may be pregnant.

Community Reviews
  • I absolutely love Daysy. She has been very easy to use and has taken away the fear and human error risk when it comes the fertility awareness method. $300 is a hefty price tag, but 100% work it.

Best Basic Fertility Tracker

Stix Ovulation Tests

Best Fertility Trackers - Stix Ovulation Tests
Buying Options
  • Set it and forget it subscriptions
  • easy to use
  • Basic
Why We
Love it
Why We Love It

Another basic option to suit those who don’t feel they’re quite ready to splurge on a more advanced fertility tracker, these wands function much like pregnancy tests. You simply pee on the ovulation strips, wait a specified amount of time and the test will return an indicator line that indicates whether or not you may be ovulating.

While there are dozens upon dozens of brands of ovulation tests, we like this one for its easy of use, accuracy, attractive branding and subscription-based model. You can sign up to get new tests discreetly shipped to you at your choice of frequency — every two, four, eight or 12 weeks. (Of course, you can also buy a one-off box.)

Community Reviews
  • These tests are soo great! Super compact and cute!

  • Easy to use and read. Love the discreet packaging.

  • I love supporting female companies, and the ladies at STIX clearly work so hard and really care about their customers.

Best Wearable Fertility Tracker for Comfort

Tempdrop Fertility and Ovulation Tracker

Best Fertility Trackers - Tempdrop Fertility and Ovulation Tracker
Buying Options
  • Easy to use
  • long-lasting battery
  • can be worn multiple ways
  • Can be tricky to secure to your arm
Why We
Love it
Why We Love It

This wearable device tracks your BBT to help zero in on your fertile window. But unlike the Ava, this gadget is designed to be worn on your upper arm. It’s ideal for easily-disrupted sleepers who don’t love the idea of having something bulky attached to their wrist.

When it comes time to sync your data with the compatible smartphone app, it couldn’t be easier: When you wake up in the morning, take the device off and place it near your smartphone to download all the information you need.

Community Reviews
  • [I have a Tempdrop and] find it really good ... must say there customer service is excellent

Best Drugstore Fertility Tracker

Clearblue Fertility Monitor

Best Fertility Trackers - Clearblue Fertility Monitor
Buying Options
  • Easy to use and read
  • widely available
  • Requires subsequent purchases
Why We
Love it
Why We Love It

If you’re eager to get started on your fertility tracking journey and don’t want to wait for a device to ship, this widely available option is a good one. Though available at your local drugstore, this monitor is surprisingly high-tech and comparable to other models on the list. It tracks two fertility hormones — estrogen and LH — and stores up to six cycles of data that you can share with your fertility doctor.

Although you’ll need to buy test strips that you pee on and then insert into the machine (a regular, added cost), the device is easy and intuitive to use, thanks to a large touch screen that delivers clear results: peak, high and low.

You don’t have to wait months for data collection and trends, either. This fertility monitor is proven to increase the chances of conception by 82 percent in the first cycle of use.

Community Reviews
  • I have used it two cycles now and honestly will prob always use it till I am [pregnant]! They are awesome and have been accurate for me so far... It's also a good feeling to feel like you know what's happening and you are doing all you can!

  • I have one and used it along with temping & charting. I feel like it really helped me pinpoint my cycles.