Choosing the best baby food for your little one can be confusing. These days, there are so many different kinds of packaged baby foods on supermarket shelves — from traditional jars and cups to pouches and make-your-own kits — that it can be difficult to decide which store-bought brand is right for your baby.
When should you start buying baby food?
Before you start buying baby food for your little one, you'll want to make sure she's ready for solids.
Introducing your baby to solids is an exciting milestone, but the process can also be a little confusing. Most babies are ready for solids between 4 and 6 months, but many experts suggest waiting until closer to month 6 — and individual development plays a role, too, so what's right for your child could be different.
Some parents also choose to try a practice called baby-led weaning, which involves introducing babies 6 months and older to solids in the form of finger foods instead of purees.
Check in with your pediatrician to make sure your baby is ready to start eating solid foods before making the switch. Cereal, milder vegetables and easy-to-digest fruits are usually the first foods pediatricians recommend.
You’ll also want to talk to your doctor about food allergies. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) now says that allergens can be introduced to babies at the same time as other foods, around 4 to 6 months.
“If there is no special reason to be concerned that your baby is at increased risk for food allergies, after a few first foods have been tolerated, you can start to introduce the more highly allergenic foods — milk, egg, soy, wheat, peanut, tree nuts, fish and shellfish," says Natasha K. Sriraman, M.D., associate professor of Pediatrics at Eastern Virginia Medical School.
Still, talk to your pediatrician before introducing allergen foods to make sure your baby doesn't have a higher risk for developing allergies. For example, babies with eczema are more prone to allergies, particularly peanut allergies.
What is the best store-bought baby food?
Keep these things in mind when shopping for packaged baby food:
- Make sure it's age-appropriate. “When choosing from store-bought foods, it is important to buy the appropriate portion size and consistency for the child's age,” says Gary Kramer, M.D., a pediatrician in Coral Gables, Florida. You can find that information by reading labels closely.
- Consider ingredients. “Many people are looking at organic options and food with minimal preservatives,” says Dr. Kramer.
- Look out for choking hazards. The AAP suggests avoiding the following foods: hot dogs, nuts and seeds, chunks of meat or cheese, whole grapes, popcorn, chunks of peanut butter, raw vegetables, fruit chunks and sticky candy. A good rule of thumb: “Make sure that any foods which are not pureed and may not easily dissolve in the mouth are smaller than the diameter of the baby's pinky finger,” says Dr. Kramer.
- Skip honey and cow's milk. Avoid any packaged foods that contain honey (it can have a bacteria that is harmless to adults but can cause botulism, a serious illness, in babies) and cow's milk until your baby is at least 1 year old.
Here, the best store-bought baby food brands for your little one.