Now that you need a good night's sleep more than ever, it's unfortunately harder than ever to get. Finding a comfortable sleep position can be challenging with your growing bump, and not every position works during pregnancy. Here’s what you need to know to stay comfortable and safe.

Why is sleep so important during pregnancy?

Sleep is the time when your body resets and repairs itself. It’s when your brain makes memories, making it an ally in your battle against baby brain. It’s how your blood vessels restore themselves, which is especially important now that they’re under increased pressure from the extra blood flow required to support your baby.

Sleep also keeps your immune system — which is suppressed to support your pregnancy — healthy. And sleep controls how your body reacts to insulin; not getting enough results in a higher blood sugar level, upping your risk of gestational diabetes.[1]

What is the best position to sleep in pregnancy?

Experts have traditionally said that the best sleep position when you’re expecting is on your left side — though your right is also perfectly acceptable. Past your first trimester, it becomes impossible to lie on your stomach for obvious reasons.

Many experts also recommend that you avoid lying flat on your back all night long (but don't worry if you roll over during the night and wake up that way). However, some experts now say that pregnant moms can sleep in any position that's comfortable for them rather than worry too much about it one way or another.[2]

Sleeping positions in pregnancy

Sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy

If your favorite position is tummy-down, that’s okay — until your baby bump makes it uncomfortable or impossible, at which point you’ll have to switch positions.

Sleeping on your back during pregnancy

Some experts recommend pregnant women avoid sleeping on their backs during the second and third trimesters. Why? The back sleep position rests the entire weight of the growing uterus and baby on your back, your intestines and your vena cava, the main vein that carries blood back to the heart from your lower body.

In the past, the thought was that lying on your side optimized blood return to your heart and thus optimized oxygenated blood getting to your baby. But some experts now say that there's no real difference in outcomes to babies of mom’s who sleep minimal time on their back or most of the time of their back.

If you talked with your provider and they recommend side sleeping for you, it's a good idea to follow their guidance. Still, don't fret if you wake up and find that you've rolled onto your back overnight.

Sleeping on your left or right side during pregnancy

During the second and and third trimesters, sleeping on either side — preferably the left, if possible — is considered by some experts to be ideal for you and your baby-to-be.

This position allows for maximum blood flow and nutrients to the placenta (which means less pressure on the vena cava) and enhances kidney function, which means better elimination of waste products and less swelling in your feet, ankles and hands.

Tips on comfortable pregnancy sleeping positions

Not used to lying on your side? Or always been a side-sleeper — but can’t seem to get any rest now that you’re expecting? Here are a few tips to tackle pregnancy sleep problems and get yourself comfy sleeping in the side position:[3]

  • Use lots of pillows. Try crossing one leg over the other and putting one pillow between them and another pillow behind your back — or any other combination that helps you sleep.
  • Get a special pillow. For extra support, try using a wedge-shaped pillow or a 5-foot full-body pregnancy pillow.
  • Prop yourself up. If pillows don’t help, try sleeping in a semi-upright position in a recliner (if you have one) instead of the bed.

Keep in mind, it’s normal to feel uncomfortable for a few nights or even a few weeks. Your body will most likely adjust to a new position given time.

What if you wake up sleeping on your back in pregnancy?

Very few people stay in one position throughout the night. If you wake up sleeping on your back during pregnancy, or on your stomach, don't worry (repeat: don’t worry). No harm done.

The fact that you woke up in the first place is probably your pregnant body's way of telling you to change positions (and maybe go to the bathroom again, another common pregnancy sleep problem).

Is not getting enough sleep harmful to me or my baby?

The vast majority of women do have some trouble sleeping, so try not to stress if you’re not getting as much solid shut-eye as you were pre-pregnancy. That said, research has shown that women who chronically hit the sack for fewer than six hours a night may have longer labors and be more likely to need C-sections.

Untreated sleep apnea, where breathing is disrupted frequently throughout the night leading to poor sleep and night waking, has been linked to pregnancy complications including preeclampsiagestational hypertension and low birth weight. If you think you may suffer from this condition, be sure to talk to your doctor.

Not sure if you’re getting the right amount of sleep? The best way to judge is not by how many hours you clock in lying in bed but by how you feel. If you find that you’re not sleeping and are chronically tired — beyond the normal fatigue of pregnancy — you’re not getting enough sleep.

If you think lack of sleep is becoming an issue, talk to your healthcare practitioner. He or she can help you find the root of your problem and solutions to get the rest you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Between your growing belly, heartburn and pregnancy insomnia, sleep can get harder as pregnancy goes on. Using pillows to support your belly, hips, and back, avoiding caffeine and large meals before bedtime, and following a consistent bedtime routine and schedule can help you get better sleep.

Sleeping on your back or stomach in later pregnancy can be uncomfortable or impossible. Finding a good pregnancy pillow that supports your body can make it much easier to get used to a new sleeping position.

It's often recommended that you sleep on your left or right side during pregnancy. However, some experts say it's okay to sleep in whatever position is most comfortable. You can ask your doctor or midwife for their recommendation on sleeping positions to decide what's best for you.